Tag Archives: super hero

Okay, okay. I’m not Wonder Woman

I like to believe I’m Wonder Woman. And being here by myself a lot of the time, I’ve actually been amazed at what I can do when I try hard enough.


Yesterday, I had perfectly flat hair. This is an IMPORTANT detail since my hair is pretty curly and it’s kind of time consuming (and impressive!)  for me to achieve that level of flat all on my own. Usually this state is only achieved by professionals.

Anyway, it got hot yesterday. Around 9:00 p.m. I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep with it being hot so I proceeded to try and put the window air conditioner unit into the bedroom window. I had told David to just leave it since it was cool when he left and I’d get to it when it got hot. How hard could it be?


I couldn’t get that thing into the window for anything. It was like wrestling an alligator. And it was hot.

I called David 10 times, sent photos, tried to get an understanding of why this particular unit would not get into place.

I finally got it there and turned it on. I was feeling all happy that, hey, I guess I’m Wonder Woman after all. I was sweaty and my hair was curling up but the air conditioner was in the window and I was going to be able to sleep in cool bliss.

Until…rrrrrrriiiiiipppppp. THUD.

Dang it.

I went into the bedroom and, you’ve got it, I found the cord still plugged into the wall but a gaping hole where the air conditioner had been.



By this time, the country song was just writing itself.

The a/c fell out of the window
But it landed on nobody’s head
It’s just really hot in the bedroom
I don’t think I can go to bed.

I was absolutely, positively sure it was Miller Time and as I sat enjoying my beer, I thought that I really should have just opened the window, taken out the screen and dumped the air conditioner out the window.

At least my hair would have still be straight. 😉