Tag Archives: SMTulsa

A Resolution To Keep

I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions. I’ve always felt that if you made a resolution it would ultimately be broken. Such common resolutions like losing weight, exercising more. We all see the kick off of those on January 2 when the stores trot out their “diet” food on sale and the gyms are all packed. At least for three weeks.


Eventually, the initial crush passes away. People let it slide. Resolutions are broken and another year is in full swing.

Well, this year, I’m making a resolution and I will keep it. In 2015 I resolve to not involve myself in Secret Santa gift exchanges.

Weird, no? Let me explain.

I love Secret Santa. I love taking the time to scout out the perfect gift for my draw. It makes my heart happy waiting to hear that they received the gift and to find out how they liked it. The remainder of the Secret Santa fun is getting a surprise gift that someone hopefully got the same enjoyment out of selecting and sending to me. 

I have been a part of two Secret Santa groups now for the past two years.  In one group, we actually use Elfster and the participants list things they would like to receive which gives you an idea of what to give even if you don’t know the person.


Neither of the two years did I know the person who’s name I drew but I still had fun looking through their list and choosing for them something that I would like to receive. 

The other group is a blind gift. If I could have made my own choice of the person I wanted to have for my draw this year, it would have been the person I got. I was so happy. I already knew what the gift would be, I just had to find it. I had to have one piece made but then found the other. I enjoyed including a little description of the background of one of the selections as I knew the other would be understood. 

Both recipients seemed happy with their gifts and, in turn, I was happy. 

It’s now New Year’s Eve. The last of the deliveries have been made for the day, tomorrow is a holiday. Not to mention, another year. 

I have received no Secret Santa gifts in return. 

I’m not mad. Things happen, people get busy, sick, life gets in the way. But I can’t help but being a little bit disappointed.

For the past three years, one of my favorite events with Social Media Tulsa has been the time we spend with the Salvation Army helping them get ready for the Angel Tree gift giving. The group is a fun group and the cause, a worthy one. I love bringing toys that will go to kids who might otherwise not have a fun Christmas.


Next year, instead of Secret Santa, I’m going to draw angels from the Angel Tree and fulfill their wishes. Since Christmas, to me, is really about giving, it will be a completely happy experience. 


I’m excited with my New Year’s resolution, one I know I will keep. Maybe the first ever! I’m also looking forward to an awesome 2015 and I wish you and yours an equally awesome New Year. 🙂

#SMTulsa visits the new Microsoft Store in Tulsa

Tomorrow, the new Microsoft Store in Woodland Hills Mall will open. They will have a ribbon cutting at 10:30. Then they have cool giveaways and events planned for the whole day.


Today, the SMTulsa crew was invited to take a VIP Tour of the store.

We met the store manager, Jared, who took us on the tour. There were lots of cool things to see. XBoxOne which runs your home TV, phone, etc. all from one spot.


Phones in price ranges for everyone.

viptour4The Microsoft Band, wearable fitness band with a display and tons of functionality.


Tablets, normally price at $199, will be just $99 tomorrow. 


A 3D printer for home. Beyond cool. 🙂


And finally the thing I know I must MUST have. The Surface Pro 3.


Just look at how the fine point stylus writes on the screen! And it can do so much more. 


We had a great time and I think you will, too, if you go to the opening tomorrow to check it out.  We liked it! 🙂


2014 #SMTulsa Conference


The #SMTulsa Conference is coming up in less than a month now and I hope you’re making plans to attend.

This will be my first time at the conference and I’m honored to also be speaking on Thursday a.m. about the importance of having a social CV.

I’m super de duper excited my session is one of the first so we can get all that out of the way and I can hang out in the other fabu  sessions being offered!

I’m really looking forward to seeing my friend Becky McCray, who will be the keynote speaker, and meeting other twitter friends that are also on the speakers roster.

The conference is March 20-21 at the Aloft Hotel in Downtown Tulsa. Click here to get all the info you need to register for the conference.

See you there!

Girl Scout Cookie Tweetup

Yay! It’s that awesome time of year and this year, I was able to actually find some Girl Scout cookies without having to have them shipped to me like last year.


On Saturday, we met up with Cheryl, Ingrid and Madison for a Girl Scout Cookie tweet up at The Phoenix.


Before Ingrid and Madison got there, I was able to sneak in the Elvis scone that my vacation belly yelled “Get in me!” to. 🙂

elvis scone

The scone was delicious. Kind of scone-y and muffin-y all at once. It had peanut butter, banana and bacon. Yum!

 Madison, came wearing a crown, which of course I think every girl needs.

cookies and crowns

We talked about the hashtags to use while tweeting about the Girl Scout cookies.


And I snagged our favorites.


We got to check out Cheryl’s Google Glass which was cool.


I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout back in the day. Mostly, I was in it because that’s where my friends were and I could wear a cool uniform on the days we had meetings. I never really participated like it’s meant to be participated in.

When I was working for KJRH in 2009, I covered the Girl Scout end of the year banquet and I was so impressed with what today’s Girl Scouts is about. Girls are learning leadership, financial planning,  and community involvement. I’ve been volunteering with the PR Stars with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma and I’m so impressed with how smart, well spoken and confident these girls are. It’s definitely not the Girl Scouts as I remember them.


It was a great time as always. I just love those girls and any tweetup involving cookies is a good tweetup. 🙂