Last fall I attended a meeting of the Bartlesville Marketing and Communications Association where I am a member. The speaker that day was talking about communicating change within your company. It was a really interesting presentation and she showed us a tool she used called a communication message wheel.

At the end of the meeting, they asked if anyone had any announcements. The Symphony had an announcement and the Community Center had an announcement. I thought, “why not?” and announced that we did not have a Mrs. Bartlesville for the 2010 pageant and that we were accepting applications. Everyone laughed. I was hurt.
My friend, Lee, was at the meeting. He doesn’t usually come but he was there that day. The next day, out of the blue, he called.
“Have you used that change wheel for your pageant yet?” he asked.
“Why?” I said.
“Well isn’t it obvious?”
And there it was, out of left field, an idea whose time had come.
Lee went on to say that he knows what my pageant is about because we have lunch here and there and we talk about it. But he wondered how many other people were hearing my message?
As the director of the Mrs. Oklahoma International pageant, I’ve always felt it was my role to stay in the background and promote the platforms of my State and local titleholders. But Lee was right. Who is telling the story of the pageant?
Today, I was asked to speak at the Bartlesville Kiwanis Club meeting. I got to tell the background and information about the state and National pageant. Interspersed with the details I got to share a lot of the amazing things that my titleholders are doing. It was awesome. My biggest fear was that I would cry. I really am so proud of the women who compete in our pageant that I get choked up sometimes when I watch all of the incredible things they are accomplishing around the state.
I was blessed to introduce Mrs. Bartlesville 2011 who then shared a little about her platform and why she decided to enter our pageant. It was wonderful to see how receptive the group was to her message.
I hope to be able to share the pageant story with various groups around the state. I think they will be surprised by what we like to call the journey that changes lives.
As it changes my titleholders lives, so does it change mine.