You know, I’m a sucker for those personality tests that you find online. I like to do them to see if they really “get” me or not. I’m always surprised when they do just because I answered a set of questions in a particular way.
Today, I saw a link to the {F}SCORE BRAND personality TEST so of course I had to take it. This test is from the book Fascinate by Sally Hogshead which is on my list of books to read. I’m even more interested to read it now.
The idea behind the {F} Score test is that every day, intentionally or not, you’re using fascination triggers to persuade people at work and home. Whether you’re pitching a new client, or inviting a friend to lunch, or lulling a cranky toddler to sleep, you’re using riggers to elicit a certain response.
The author says you have seven potential fascination triggers: power, trust, mystique, prestige, vice, alarm, and lust. Each trigger leads to a different style of communication, and a different type of relationship. The more accurately you identify your personality triggers, and the more intelligently you hone them, the more influential your message becomes.
My fascination triggers are, in order, Lust, Alarm and Mystique.

My primary trigger is Lust. According to the results that means I draw people closer with a warm and open style of interaction. I’m expressive with ideas, communicate well in person, and probably have a strong creative streak. Even when I mask my emotions, I feel passionately about my opinions.
It indicates that I’m intuitive with information, often making decisions based on gut instinct rather than cold intellect. While other personality types prefer facts, I’m more attuned to the nuances of attitude, design, and a certain indefinable je ne sais quoi. Interestingly, back in the day, I had a licence plate for my car that said “LUSTY L”.
Secondarily, I have a trigger of Alarm. The definition states that I could either be responsive to alarm or cause it. I believe I’m responsive to alarm which means I’m extremely sensitive to demands in my environment, and focus on ways to avoid conflict. I’m highly attuned to the expectations of others. Deadlines make me more productive, and demands push me to achieve more. I work hard to avoid experiencing unpleasant surprises. I’m probably also using the trust trigger to send consistent, uncontroversial messages.
My dormant trigger is Mystique. This means I don’t hide my emotions or opinions. I’m straightforward and open.
Only 1.9% of the people who took the {F} score use the same primary and secondary triggers of Lust and Alarm. So fascinating!
So here’s another one for you to try. See if this test can “get” you like it “got” me. Have fun!