You can’t turn on the radio or TV (twitter, facebook, etc. etc. amen) or open a newspaper today without hearing that Lance Armstrong confessed to Oprah that he used performance enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France seven times.

via Sports Illustrated
I don’t care.
Maybe if I were his competitor I would care but maybe I wouldn’t. Back in 1999, I competed in the Tampa Bay Natural bodybuilding contest. Note the word “natural” in the title of the competition.
There was nothing natural about the women who stood on the stage with me. You simply can’t get distended, cut, man abs and a strong jaw unless you take some sort of male hormone.
I came in last but I didn’t care. I had been working towards that show for 12 years. I was wearing the red posing suit I had dreamed about and my kids (and their friends!) and my husband thought I looked good and were proud of me.
The beauty of the bodybuilding stage is that when you are up there, and people are clapping, they could very well be clapping for you or not but it all sounds the same and you feed off of it.
So, get on with your cheating self Lance Armstrong.