Yesterday, we had to stop by Wal-Mart and pick up box tape. We’re moving again. I know. Wheels on our feet.
Anyway, as we were walking to the front of the store, David asked if we needed anything else. I made a quick turn around and headed the other direction.
Me: “Yes, candy.”
David: “Candy?”
Me: “Yes, candy. It keeps everyone calm.”
So we picked up some gumdrops and some caramel creams.
I don’t know why it is when you start packing things up that tempers flare and people get snippy. At least that’s how it happens in this house. And all of the other ones we’ve moved out of. It’s really counterproductive and when I discovered the secret of applying candy to the moving/packing situation a couple of moves ago, I was amazed at the results.
Voices start to raise, “Oh get some candy”. Candy is eaten. Peace resumes. It works. Really.
I know the lady at the Walmart though I was joking around with her and she was laughing as we left. But I know it works. I just hope we don’t run out!
So how about you? Do you have a fabu secret to keep the peace during a move?