My back is sooo sore. Am I the victim of a new year/new me exercise program? I am not. I am a victim of my weighted blanket.

I’ve been sleeping with a 20 pound weighted blanket for around 2 years now. I wasn’t able to find a twin size so I have a double size. David doesn’t like sleeping under it so I try and keep it on my side of the bed and when I make the bed, it looks all lumpy.
The other day, I had a brilliant idea! I would double the blanket. Surely if 20 pounds is good, 40 would be better. Um, no. Absolutely, positively, no. I woke up yesterday and my hips and back were so sore. I went ahead and worked out which may have been a mistake because I kept getting sorer as the day wore on.
I hate taking pills. We usually have ibuprofen in the house that David will take sometimes when he’s done a heavy task outside. I broke down and started looking for it. There. Is. No. Ibuprofen. In. This. House.
There is, however, a ginormous bottle of Tylenol that is left over from my broken ankle (2018) and mostly full. I’ve taken it twice. I’ve used heat, ice, and stretching. My back is really, really sore.
The first five rules for being able to work out as you age are:

I’m super careful when I’m working out to use proper form and to be cautious when I’m hiking and doing things on an uneven surface. Who knew that a weighted blanket could do me in? My back feels like it did when I popped my SI joint deadlifting. At least my hips don’t hurt as much today.
Although I didn’t just start a workout program as I workout every day, this is really getting in the middle of what I want to do in life and I hate it. This is a big reminder why I want to stay healthy and flexible as I age. I don’t ever want to have to make a decision on which bathroom to use because the wall is closer to me and I can use it to pull myself up. I never want to need help to get out of the couch or off the floor.
I’m going to do these stretches every couple of hours. They really do help. And I’m going to put the weighted blanket away. Weaponized sleeping isn’t for me. LOL!