The photo on the right popped up in my phone memories the other day. I remember that day. I was excited because I was able to wear a smaller size dress for my company photos. I was 10 days past completing the #75HardChallenge and had lost a bunch of weight.

The photo on the left was taken this week. I checked my weight log (yes I do that 🙈 although I don’t let the number on the scale control me anymore) and I weighed 1 pound more on the right than on the left.
Shocking, no?
Although I had refrained from drinking during #75Hard, as soon as the challenge was over, I rewarded myself with wine. Maybe a whole bottle. Clearly, it went right to my face.
The face on the right is the face of a deeply miserable alcohol drinker.
The face on the left is the face of a happy, well rested, non-drinker. It’s been 257 days since I had alcohol. Go, God!
Not drinking helped me get my happy back. It helped me sleep better, it allowed me to hope again.
I’m glad that photo popped up. It’s good to be reminded how far we’ve come even if it’s shocking!