Suddenly, I’m bright and breezy

Getting to know you,

getting to know all about you.

Getting to like you,

getting to hope you like me.

Remember that song from the old movie The King and I? Well, that’s how I see social media.

It’s all about relationship.

I have a sort of method to my social media madness. I want to like, follow and friend everyone in Oklahoma. I think that seems like a worthwhile goal since I live here and my business encompasses the entire state.  Along the way, I pick up other people who are not in Oklahoma who I enjoy just as much. But the first requirement for me to decide if I want to make the connection is “Do you engage?”

I want to, I LOVE to, talk to people and get to know them. Once you know someone, it’s so much easier to have fun and enjoy the relationship. Which is the only reason that I spend time doing something by choice – it’s fun. 🙂

So there is this follower I have on twitter. He has over 50,000 followers. The other day he posted that Klout (a tool used to determine some twitter stats) says that he must be the envy of his friends because of his large follower count.

I decided to visit Klout and I saw that his true reach (measured by interaction, retweets, etc) is 1,000 people. Interesting. With a follower count that high, I would certainly hope I would reach more of those 50,000 people.

Then I decided to check my Klout stats. I have a little over 3,200 followers and my true reach is 907. Nice, eh?

Why? Because I engage. I talk to people, engage them in conversation, encourage them to reach out to me and retweet items that I think will be of interest to the people who follow me.

So there it is. I’m sure I annoy some people on twitter who may think that I tweet too much. But to that I say, you need more followers. 🙂


  1. […] came @mrautotweetwhitenoise (name has been changed so as not to insult anyone directly). I have blogged about him before. He, to me, is someone who just doesn’t get […]