Category Archives: social media

Snapchat Influencer Q&A with Lauri Rottmayer

It was an honor to be interviewed by Custom Filterz for their blog. You can read the interview by clicking here. It was fun to talk about my current favorite social media platform and how it applies to my business and personal life. 

Because I talk about it, but it wasn’t included in the post, I give you a sample of my daily coffee snap that I’ve become known for. 


 I’d love for you to join the fun and follow me on snapchat! 

RE: defined Coffee House

While I was in Texas this past week, I got a chance to have coffee at RE:defined Coffee House. It was extra special since I planned to meet a friend from snapchat.


I walked in and immediately liked the vibe. There were comfy couches and chairs to sit in and cool things to look at on the wall.


Looking up was fun, too, as it was still decorated for the Christmas holiday and it was pretty.


I had a cup of brewed coffee. I meant to go back and ask again what kind it was. It was their coffee of the day and all I can remember is that it was a medium roast from Central America. It was good with citrus and chocolate notes. 


They had a goodie case but I didn’t partake. I probably should have because I drank more coffee that day than I have in a long time!


The best part is that I met my friend, Amanda (ARay), from Snapchat.


We sat and talked like we had known each other forever. The best part of social media, in my opinion, is meeting IRL. 

I will definitely stop by RE:defined Coffee House again when I’m in Grapevine!

Being Social on Social Media


Yesterday, as I was riding my bike, I was thinking about just how awesome social media has been in my life. I love nothing better than to engage with new friends all over the world. And, really, isn’t engaging with people the very definition of social?

I used to love twitter so much. I still do but the truth is, it’s just not as much fun as it once was. The people I was friends with in the beginning have moved off of twitter and over to facebook. Fortunately, I connected with them there so I haven’t really lost anyone that I cared about but I’m sad that I don’t have the extensive conversations I used to have on twitter. I still work it really hard but that’s just it: it’s harder now than it used to be to have a conversation on twitter. At my gym in California, I was talking to one of the guys and he said, “Oh, twitter is just a broadcasting platform”. Umm, no it’s not. Is that what people think now? Is that why it’s changed so much?


I have twitter followers from around the world. 53 different countries! I love that but talk to me, please!

Over the past year or so I’ve fallen madly and passionately in love with snapchat. By it’s very design, it’s an engagement platform and I’m rather blown away by all of the incredible people I’ve connected with there.


 As the reigning Mrs. Southwest International, I have my community service platform to promote and I’ve done it well on snapchat. I’ve had conversations with people all over the world and I’m set to make appearances as Mrs. International in five foreign countries should I win the international crown. 

I’m absolutely amazed to have connected with people who realize that keeping kids safe from concussions is a message that needs to be spread far and wide and I, personally, will not rest until I’ve told everyone. Just this morning, I connected with another of my followers who is, himself, a former hockey player and a TBI (traumatic brain injury) survivor. I learned that his mom has been helping TBI survivors for 26 years through a foundation she started. That’s good stuff she is doing. 

The reason I connected with him is because, in his snap story today, he asked what the meaning for Snapchat ROI is to you. To me, currently, it’s the connections I’ve been making for my platform. But it will no doubt change over time as my life changes. 

This is the sort of thing you miss if you aren’t social on social media, though. You will never make the incredible connections that could change your life. I love people and I love social media. I will keep engaging my little heart out on all platforms because, truly, social media is a dream vehicle that can take you anywhere you want to go! 


Awesome engagement!

snapcode_pinkSnapchat is such a great platform to me. Although it’s my smallest network, it’s definitely my most engaged network. Yesterday, I had a lengthy discussion with a woman in The Netherlands about concussion and CTE. This morning, I had a new follower who coaches football for first and second graders in Texas. I talked to him about CTE and Flag Until 14. I even had one person who follows me be so interested that I was working against CTE that he googled me and found out I was a powerlifter as he is! So, anyway, I love snapchat. smile emoticon

Illinois International Pageants

I was super excited to attend the Illinois International Pageants this past weekend in Chicago. Pageanting is something I do with my stepmom and it was so great to see her. It had been way too long!


Before we headed in to watch the pageant, I stopped for a photo in front of the step and repeat.


At intermission, I actually got my stepmom to visit snapchat with me! 

Click to play!

Click to play!

Then we went in to watch the rest of the pageant. I was super impressed with the contestants and their commitment to their platforms. It would have been hard to be a judge!

When the judging was complete, the following ladies were crowned:

Nicole Zwiercan – Mrs. Illinois International

Jessica Kumpula – Miss Illinois International

Lindsey Pearlman – Miss Teen Illinois International

I was hoping to be able to introduce myself to Nicole before we left but that didn’t happen. I will look forward to meeting her at the National pageant in July. Congrats to the new titleholders and to director, Beverly Turkowski and her staff who put on an awesome pageant!

Under My House. With A Rabbit.

rabbitIf you visit my twitter profile, you may wonder at my location. It says that I’m

Under my house. With a rabbit.

And you might wonder, what?!?!

I was watching the Superbowl in 2014. I’m one of those people who actually loves the game of football and I use the commercial breaks to use the restroom, do dishes, or whatever. I rarely just sit and watch the commercials. But that year, I caught this one:


And I thought it was the funniest thing ever. I immediately changed my location on my twitter profile to read

Under my house. With a rabbit.

I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who even saw that commercial. That everyone else used that commercial to use the restroom, do the dishes, or whatever. 

But I thought it was the funniest thing I’d ever seen since Terry Tate, Office Linebacker. Trust me, if you can remember the funny ones years later, they were really funny!

Anyway, now you with know what I’m talking about when you notice my location on my twitter profile and need wonder no more. 😀

Penises Are Killing My #Snapchat Experience

I love Snapchat. It’s so much fun. Ever since I learned about the stories, thought about how I could use them in mine and my clients’ businesses, and connected with some really cool and creative people, Snapchat has almost caught up to twitter as my favorite social network. 


I received a shout out the other day from another snapper and got a bunch of new followers. That’s fun. Getting to know knew people on any social platform helps me to achieve my personal goal of being able to have coffee with a friend anywhere in the world. 

I have my settings set to where anyone can send me a private snap. Normally, that’s not a problem. Until it is. Until is’a penis lying in my inbox. 

I get a lot of kids, under 18, trying to flirt with me, telling me I’m beautiful. That’s kinda funny and I tell them to think of me as beautiful like their mom or their grandma. But the penises…

So this morning, instead of the fully exposed penis of yesterday, I got this message:


At least he asked, right?

So then I start thinking. Maybe I’m over thinking this but I’d rather overthink it and be protected than to under think it and be in jail. Coming to my big question:

If I open an unsolicted photo of a child’s penis, can I be considered a pedophile?”

It’s pretty easy to guess that some of these kids are under 18. I don’t want to see any penises but the age of the sender and my opening of the snap without knowing what it contains makes me wonder. 

So younger, hipper lawyers than the one in my family who doesn’t know social media, what is the answer to this? Should I be doing a better job of protecting myself from unsolicited porn? Where in the legal realm exactly does this fall?

I’ll be waiting patiently for your answers with my “Who can send me snaps” moved to “my friends”. 


Y is for Yelp

I love Yelp I’ve been yelping since September of 2011. My first review was for Sara, the gal in Bartlesville who did my facials and pedicures. After that, was John the Locksmith who saved my life by getting me in when I got locked out and getting me out when I got locked in. LOL!


And I was off and running. If you know me, you’ll know I’m pretty positive and I love, love, love to give five star reviews. I think a lot of people will only comment when they are upset about something so I like to point out the good. 

Not that I won’t give a bad review. I will. I noticed as I was going through my reviews before writing this blog that two of the really awful hotels we’ve stayed at are now closed.


Also, the 18 Wheeler Diner is closed. ::sobs::

But over the years, I’ve come to find Yelp to be an invaluable tool. Traveling as much as we do, I use it to find restaurants and attractions. I even used it in Warsaw, Poland recently and left reviews. 🙂 Since we recently moved, I use it all the time to find just about anything I want or need.

Do you know you can type “Baba Ghanouj” or “pageant earrings” into Yelp and it will bring you to the nearest place to find them? Awesome. 

Every once in a while I hear back from a business owner and I love that. I’ve noticed that more businesses have Yelp signs in their windows so clearly they are seeing that Yelp is something that a lot of people are using. 


If you’re not using Yelp, yet, give it a shot. It’s really helpful! 😀

A Resolution To Keep

I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions. I’ve always felt that if you made a resolution it would ultimately be broken. Such common resolutions like losing weight, exercising more. We all see the kick off of those on January 2 when the stores trot out their “diet” food on sale and the gyms are all packed. At least for three weeks.


Eventually, the initial crush passes away. People let it slide. Resolutions are broken and another year is in full swing.

Well, this year, I’m making a resolution and I will keep it. In 2015 I resolve to not involve myself in Secret Santa gift exchanges.

Weird, no? Let me explain.

I love Secret Santa. I love taking the time to scout out the perfect gift for my draw. It makes my heart happy waiting to hear that they received the gift and to find out how they liked it. The remainder of the Secret Santa fun is getting a surprise gift that someone hopefully got the same enjoyment out of selecting and sending to me. 

I have been a part of two Secret Santa groups now for the past two years.  In one group, we actually use Elfster and the participants list things they would like to receive which gives you an idea of what to give even if you don’t know the person.


Neither of the two years did I know the person who’s name I drew but I still had fun looking through their list and choosing for them something that I would like to receive. 

The other group is a blind gift. If I could have made my own choice of the person I wanted to have for my draw this year, it would have been the person I got. I was so happy. I already knew what the gift would be, I just had to find it. I had to have one piece made but then found the other. I enjoyed including a little description of the background of one of the selections as I knew the other would be understood. 

Both recipients seemed happy with their gifts and, in turn, I was happy. 

It’s now New Year’s Eve. The last of the deliveries have been made for the day, tomorrow is a holiday. Not to mention, another year. 

I have received no Secret Santa gifts in return. 

I’m not mad. Things happen, people get busy, sick, life gets in the way. But I can’t help but being a little bit disappointed.

For the past three years, one of my favorite events with Social Media Tulsa has been the time we spend with the Salvation Army helping them get ready for the Angel Tree gift giving. The group is a fun group and the cause, a worthy one. I love bringing toys that will go to kids who might otherwise not have a fun Christmas.


Next year, instead of Secret Santa, I’m going to draw angels from the Angel Tree and fulfill their wishes. Since Christmas, to me, is really about giving, it will be a completely happy experience. 


I’m excited with my New Year’s resolution, one I know I will keep. Maybe the first ever! I’m also looking forward to an awesome 2015 and I wish you and yours an equally awesome New Year. 🙂

#SMTulsa visits the new Microsoft Store in Tulsa

Tomorrow, the new Microsoft Store in Woodland Hills Mall will open. They will have a ribbon cutting at 10:30. Then they have cool giveaways and events planned for the whole day.


Today, the SMTulsa crew was invited to take a VIP Tour of the store.

We met the store manager, Jared, who took us on the tour. There were lots of cool things to see. XBoxOne which runs your home TV, phone, etc. all from one spot.


Phones in price ranges for everyone.

viptour4The Microsoft Band, wearable fitness band with a display and tons of functionality.


Tablets, normally price at $199, will be just $99 tomorrow. 


A 3D printer for home. Beyond cool. 🙂


And finally the thing I know I must MUST have. The Surface Pro 3.


Just look at how the fine point stylus writes on the screen! And it can do so much more. 


We had a great time and I think you will, too, if you go to the opening tomorrow to check it out.  We liked it! 🙂
