You know the Logical Song by Supertramp? I was just chasing the lyrics to that song around in my head because they say “please tell me who I am”.
There are some cute apps that will take your tweets and do just that. My first favorite is the Tweet Cloud. Here’s mine for the past three months.
Well, I think that describes me perfectly! 🙂
This past week, I learned of a new app called twtrland. When I saw someone else’s, I knew I had to sign up and find out what it had collected about me.
Was there too much there that I didn’t know? No, but I did find a tweet I made that I may go down in history for. It’s Coco Chanel good.
I’m currently using it as my facebook cover and my friend, Buffy, commented:
Best. Quote. Ever.
I agree. It’s a good one. I totally feel that way. 🙂
So, who are you?