Do you remember those Pledge commercials with the glass box full of black cats? I was reminded of it when we were in the Hong Kong airport. They have, what amounts to, smoking boxes where people can go and smoke cigarettes.

They are glass, or plexiglass. In any case, you can see through the walls and there are tons of people inside smoking.
Not a place I would want to visit. We got downwind of a guy who walked out of one of the boxes and it was like he was walking in a smoke cloud. I felt bad for the person who would have to sit next to him on a plane for any length of time.
We arrived in Singapore and checked into the Victoria Hotel. The hotel was pre-arranged for us by Telefocal. It’s in a nice location and, despite the lady of the evening that was sitting in the lobby when we arrived, was quite clean.

We went up to our room on the fourth floor. The hallway was air conditioned and smelled clean. And then, David opened the door to the smallest hotel room I have ever seen!

We weren’t quite sure what to do with our luggage and some of it ended up in front of the door to the room. This was great for security purposes if a burglar decided to get in but no so much in case of a fire.
The a/c worked great. In fact, because the room was so small and the a/c was so good it could have frozen an Eskimo. I slept fully clothed, hoodie over my head and tied tightly, extra blanket (doubled over), covers over my face and it was still cold.
David and I don’t dance much but sharing this hotel room was a lot like dancing slow. We moved really close to each other, making sure we didn’t step on each other’s toes.
I call this portion of our trip Two Large Rotts in a Small Singaporean Box. 🙂
Off to Malaysia tomorrow where I hope our room will be a little larger!