Very special gifts

I’d like to tell you about four very special women in my life. Women who started out as Mrs. Oklahoma but ended up being very special friends to me.

In our first year, we crowned Brookie. She was young, between the boys in age, but she was oh so strong and oh so amazing. Our first year with the pageant was lean. We were just being restored from losing all of our material possessions prior to our move to Oklahoma. The pageant is not a money maker but we are very grateful if it pays for itself. That first year, it almost did. But we didn’t have money for extras.

As we drove to Chicago, in a rented Durango, it was very, very dark on the road. Every time I tried to put the bright lights on, I’d accidentally turn on the windshield wipers. We were laughing so hard. While we were talking about hopes and dreams for the pageant’s future, I told Brookie that I was sad that she wouldn’t get any of that she said, “But we’ll always have this.” And we laughed some more.

Rachel, oh Rachel. I could not have gotten through 2009 without her friendship, help and prayers. A beautiful and quietly determined young woman, Rachel was my rock while my mom was sick. She kept things going, talking to potential contestants, helping me out, while I was in Illinois.

We have a lot of fun. Rachel is my go to gal and I love that I can bounce ideas off of her. She loves the International system and I’m so grateful for her continued involvement in the pageant and in my life.

In the middle of June, Heidi was thrown into my life, and my car, as Mrs. Oklahoma. With a scant three weeks to get her ready to compete at the Mrs. International pageant, it seemed like we were joined at the hip. After we got back from Nationals and didn’t see each other every day, it seemed weird, like something was missing.

Through our mad dash to Chicago, we became friends. Heidi is smart and savvy and she never lost her composure even though there was so much to do an such a short time to do it in. Heidi loves what the International system stands for – marriage, family and community service – and works hard to make sure other people see these qualities in her.

Although I was never her director, Shelly is most definitely my friend. When I took directorship of the pageant, I didn’t have a reigning titleholder. As Mrs. Oklahoma International 2004, Shelly was the one  who had most recently held the title. I knew her from another pageant and I asked her if she would serve as my reigning queen. She has been “in” since practically the first minute I started directing.  I call Shelly my field general and I wouldn’t want to do the pageant without her.

These four  special women are very special gifts in my life.  At this Christmas time, when I’m thinking of my blessings, I count them right at the top of my list. My wish for you is that you have people in your life that are as special to you as these ladies are to me.


Lauri 🙂

Peace, love and joy

The other day on twitter, my friend Prabhu Balan asked, “What is your expectation from life?”

I love twitter. I have fun on twitter talking about all manner of things but that question struck me, initially, as a heavy ask. And he wanted me to answer it in 140 characters.

On second thought, though, I realized that it wasn’t that hard at all. What I want out of life is peace, love and joy.

Really. It’s that simple.

So what do you want out of life?

While you’re thinking about it, I want to wish YOU peace, love and joy this holiday season and always.

Lauri 😀

No one ever listens to me

We’ve been taking apple cider vinegar every day for several years.  I have read a lot of information about it and I know it does its part in keeping us healthy.

The last time I was sick was in 2008 and it had been 17 years since I had been sick before that. When I got sick in 2008, I started taking more apple cider vinegar and it immediately made my throat feel better. I think I was sick for a shorter time because of taking it.

So how do you take it? Well, now we put two tablespoons a day into our protein drink. You can’t taste it but it does add a nice tang. Our morning protein drink is the vehicle we use put all of the good things we want to ingest but don’t want to take in pill form (i.e. MSM, glutamine, Vitamin C, flax oil and our Juice Plus capsules).

If I were to start feeling sick, I would immediately put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and chug it. It’s only gross for as long as it takes to go acccck acccck. Then it’s over.

To continue helping myself get well, I’d make a hot apple cider vinegar drink. For this, you’d take two cinnamon sticks and four whole cloves, pour boiling water over them and let them sit for a while. Then, when you want to make the drink, pour two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup with a little of this spice mixture, add stevia and hot water and Voila! Healthy, healing hot apple cider drink.

We buy Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar by the gallon. It contains “the mother” of vinegar which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules. This apple cider vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, and unpasteurized.

So this is my advice to you. I give it to everyone who is sick and no one ever listens. Probably because I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV.

But, I am healthy and I’ll take my apple cider vinegar to stay that way. 🙂

Ding ding ding!

The food ads came in Sunday’s paper containing all of the specials for Thanksgiving day food. This one got me:

$.59 a pound is CHEAP! I love saving money on anything that I have to buy and, because of this, we usually buy most of our food at Aldi. But Aldi’s turkey was $.99 a pound. Still, there are some items that Aldi doesn’t carry so I figured I’d be able to purchase the added $20 required without overspending.

I need poblano chilis and fresh brussels sprouts, neither of which are available at Aldi. Still, 2 peppers and 12 sprouts at $2.59 a pound, I knew I had to find some more items to buy.

I was happy with the price of the sausage and bacon and bought two packages of each.

I had planned to get the celery at $.69 a package.

But Aldi had them for $.39.

So what to buy? I remembered that we were almost out of dishwasher soap and so I headed over to that aisle where I found the Cascade dishwasher tablets on sale for $4.99. I quickly guestimated what I had in my cart, thinking, hoping that I had gone over $20 so that I could purchase the turkey for $.59 a pound.

I really didn’t want to buy anything else because it would just be extra and is it really a bargain if you have to buy something you don’t need to get the savings? I think not.

So the guy starts ringing up my total and he arrives at …. wait for it….$20.01!

I felt like I had just won a pricing game on The Price is Right. Seriously, the red lights and bells were going off in my head. I think the check out guy thought I was nuts. I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to get into the car to call David and tell him!

I love games and I love winning. And getting a 20 lb turkey for $11.45 isn’t bad either! 🙂

Peek-a-boo moon over Bartlesville

I adore clouds. Some day, I’m going to get a really great camera and just spend my time taking photos of clouds.

It’s really warm out this morning for November and when I walked out the door to let Boo Boo out, I noticed the fast moving clouds.

The moon is full and I had to capture it. Sadly, the video doesn’t look as cool as it looked it real life but it’s awesome. 🙂

Later in the day….

Coffee Chicken

You know I’m a coffee achiever. So when I see recipes that contain coffee, I make plans to make them. I got this recipe for Coffee Chicken the other day and I knew, with some minor modifcations, I could make it paleo friendly.

I know that the one thing that will derail the Paleo Train here is if David has to come up with his own meals. I can eat the same thing over and over again, but it’s not so easy with him.

Consequently, we’ve had some terrific meals over the past week even though it’s created an unbelievable amount of dirty dishes! I just can’t seem to cook without using every pot and spatula in the kitchen. Thank goodness for the dishwasher which is now running about three times a day.

So the coffee chicken was terrific. Kind of a coffee flavored barbeque sauce. It was easy but be sure to plan for the one hour baking time. The recipe said to baste it every 15 minutes and I did it the first couple of times but the sauce stayed on the chicken pretty well.

Coffee Chicken

2-3 pounds of chicken or turkey, cut up*
3/4 cup brewed coffee
2 heaping tablespoons of tomato paste
3 tablespoons light soy sauce
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
¼ teaspoon stevia

*You can easily use 2-3 pounds of thighs or breasts cut into large chunks, or a whole chicken


Preheat the oven to 350°F.

In a one-quart saucepan, mix together the coffee, tomato paste, soy sauce, lemon juice and olive oil.

Stir in the sugar and heat the mixture to boiling then reduce the heat to a simmer for about 5 to 10 minutes or until the mixture has reduced.

Place the chicken pieces in a large shallow pan then pour the reduced mixture over all the chicken covering every piece well.

Bake (uncovered) for about an hour taking care to baste often, at least once every 15 minutes.

Serve with a green veggie and call it lunch. Or dinner. It’s fabu! 🙂

What I had for breakfast

If you are new to twitter and trying to follow “the rules” that are set forth by various people who blog, you will hear over and over again “Do not post what you ate for breakfast”.

I have tweeted breakfast  just a handful of times because we eat the same thing almost every day. But lunch and dinner? Up for grabs. I post tweets and photos about food and links to recipes.

And do you know what?

They are some of my most interactive tweets and clicked links/photos.

Today, I tweeted about eating acorn squash for the very first time and I heard from someone that I have followed on twitter for a while but rarely interact with:

JDEbberly J D Ebberly

@LauriRottmayer Acorn squash with butter!!! You KNOW it’s the Holidays!! 🙂 🙂

and also from  someone completely new that I had never heard of until she responded to my tweet:

Peggikaye Peggikaye

@LauriRottmayer butternut is my favorite ..well, after zucchini and yellow steamed w/salt and pepper … love butternut squash soup

Being interested in butternut squash, which I have never tried, I chatted with her and then followed her. I love to have followers that interact with me. Even about such mundane things as squash.

So, while you may not want to ONLY talk about what you are having to eat, I certainly feel free to break that particular “rule”. As my friend Becky McCray says, “It’s OK to still be a person”.

BeckyMcCray Becky McCray

Reminder: It’s OK to still be a person. RT @suzemuse: What if you DID tweet about what you had for lunch?

Great post by Susan Murphy aka @suzemuse. Because how she suggests you tweet at the bottom of her post? It’s pretty much the way I roll. 🙂


Since beginning our new way of eating, we’ve tried some really great food. I saw a recipe for a filling breakfast that sounded terrific except for the fact that I had never eaten acorn squash which was the base of the recipe.

At the beginning, I told David to just be adventurous and try things before turning up his nose at them. He told me the whole time we have been married that  he didn’t like strawberries but he’s been eating them daily for probably close to a year now. I think that the preparation of the food can make all the difference.

Take, for instance, spinach. My mom used to serve us canned spinach which I thought was slimy and gross. I remember my shock, in a happy way, when I first ate raw spinach. I love it so much that sometimes I just eat it out of the bag like candy.

David has been great about trying everything and today was the first time he said, “ummm next time, please leave the spinach off of mine”. Okay, so he really doesn’t like spinach. Even sauteed in bacon grease. I can deal with that. It’s more for me.

But….he liked the rest of this meal which I found to be completely and totally tasty! Yummmmm!

I found this recipe at Fearless Athletics and knew that I had to try it. The called it

A Truly Filling Breakfast


1/2 acorn squash

1 1/2 slices of bacon (I used 2 slices for each of us)

baby spinach (1 handful for each, stems picked off as they should be)

2 egg

spring onions

olive oil

  1. Toss your 1/2 squash in the microwave with a drizzle of olive oil with some plastic wrap on top for 6-7 minutes, depending on the size.
  2. While your squash is in the microwave, cook the bacon on the stove.  once cooked, chop the bacon into small pieces.
  3. Sauté the baby spinach in some of the remaining bacon grease.
  4. In another pan fry your egg in a few spoonfuls of the remaining bacon grease.
  5. Put it together! Pile the bacon in the squash, throw the spinach on the bacon, and lay the egg on top. Sprinkle with chopped spring onions.

The secret here is to have your spinach picked and your spring onions chopped before beginning the cooking process. From there it goes really fast.

This was really good and filling just like they said. We will have it again and I’ll just eat David’s spinach because I loved the way all of the flavors combined together. Give it a try, I’m sure you’ll be pleased! 🙂

Day four of our new plan

We’ve made it through until today with no trouble and having eaten some fabu food! David has been great about trying everything I have prepared and he seems to like it all. Among the new recipes we’ve tried are:

  • Paleo Meatloaf
  • Indian Chicken
  • Garlic Beef Stew
  • Chicken Curry Soup

I had a really bad headache for three days. I’m hoping that part is over. I also feel like I need a BIG nap in the afternoons. I hope I’m past that, too.

On the plus side, I feel so much better in my joints and back. I was so achey on Tuesday, the day we started following this 100% that I just wanted to cry. I’ve also lost 4 lbs. Now, I’m not going to get too excited about that part. I can lose four pounds pretty easily with any new way of eating. I’ll get excited when that continues about 15 times over!

But for now, it’s all good. I can live through the headaches knowing they will eventually go away as long as my joints don’t hurt like they did ever again! I’m also waiting for David to say, hey, I can really notice the difference this is making. But he needs to give up all the crap, too, and I know he had some junk for a couple of days. 🙂