Yep. 32 years. And that’s a very long time. Thank you to my Leo for being such a stubborn guy with a BIG love of even BIGGER challenges. Happy Anniversary! I love you with all of my heart and then some!
Lauri 🙂
I love fast, easy meals for dinner time that add a little variety to our new way of eating. But there are a lot of ingredients we don’t use anymore so it can be hard to find new ideas.
In Sunday’s newspaper coupons, I found this recipe for Chicken with Creamy Dijon Herb Sauce. It was so fabulicious! Nom! We will definitely have it over and over again.
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/3 cup dijon mustard
1/3 cup cream cheese
1 tbs minced herbs (I used basil. chives, parsley, oregano are other ideas)
1 tbs oil
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 tsp minced garlic
Mix broth, mustard, cream cheese and herbs until well blended and set aside.
Cook chicken in hot oil in non-stick skillet until browned on both sides, about 15 minutes.
Stir in mustard sauce and garlic. Simmer over medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes until sauce thickens slightly and flavors are blended.
Enjoy this garlicky deliciousness!
This past Saturday, I got a chance to meet two people I have wanted to meet for a very long time: Paula Porter and Cecil Fisher.
I'm about a foot taller than Paula so I let her stand on the curb so we wouldn't look like an NBA wedding. 🙂
Paula and I have been twitter friends for a long time now. I enjoy her zaniness and how she seems to think the same way that I do. It was kind of just a drive-by meeting and I can’t wait to get some time to go back to OKC and have lunch and really get a chance to visit in person.
I have wanted to meet Cecil Fisher since he was born a  year ago. I just adore his parents, Afton and Jon, who have been my twitter friends for a long time, now. They are two funny and fun young people. Cecil is the image of his daddy and I have so enjoyed watching him grow up via the daily photos that Afton posts to facebook. I felt like I actually knew him when I saw him but I almost cried at the reality of him. He is SO precious.
Thank you, Afton and Jon, for including us in Cecil’s big day. It was so much fun!
Meeting people IRL whom I have first met on twitter is one of my favorite things to do. Who would have ever guessed you could make such good friends that way? I love twitter!
While the name “Grace” used to be somewhat of a joke, I now know of another kind of grace: God’s grace. That which is granted to me, not because I’m worthy, but because God is good and kind.  God’s grace is, in many ways, similar to His mercy and His love since they also are due to God’s goodness. But grace focuses on our unworthiness.
God’s grace. Where would I be without it? Everything that I have is because of God’s grace. The best thing about His grace is that we don’t have to earn it. It’s God’s gift, given to us freely.
Ephesians 2:8 says “…by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. “
Our God is the “God of all grace”. 2 Timothy 1:9 says: who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,” From this same verse in 2nd Timothy, we learn that grace is sovereignly and freely give by God not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace. We don’t ask for grace from Him but rather He gives it to us as it suits His purpose because He is gracious.  Exodus 33:19 says He will be gracious to whom He will be gracious.
Luckily for us, God’s grace is abundant and it won’t ever run out. The amount of His grace is always greater than the depth of our sin. In Romans 5:20, Paul tells us that grace is multiplied where sin increased. Because of this, we can be confident that there is always enough for us.
The better we understand God’s grace to us, the more thankful we will be and the less pride we can have in our accomplishments. We are being spared what we completely deserve and are freely receiving something that we are entirely unworthy of just because God is a gracious God and his purpose is to save us. We are receiving the greatest gift of all and anything we do that is good is not a product of our own goodness but of God’s grace within us. There is no room for bragging from those who have seen God’s grace.
Because we are thankful and because we love the Lord who has given us His grace so freely, we need to imitate Him. We need to graciously forgive the wrongs done to us because He has graciously forgiven us and we need to do good and give to others even when we know we will never receive anything in return, not even thanks, for our generosity. Luke 6:35 says “But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” You know as well as I do how really hard that can be.
Grace. When I was a kid, I thought Grace wouldn’t be such a bad name to have since being called Lauri when I am 80 seemed dumb. Grace is a good old lady name.
There are several places in the Bible where God gives someone a new name. This usually denotes some sort of change in that person. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham which means “father of multitude”. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel and Simon’s name to Peter. You see, though, that at times Jesus continued to call Peter Simon and Israel Jacob to remind them of their past and that they need to depend on God’s strength.
I still trip up the stairs and run into walls so Mom’s theory is shot to heck. But because I too am a new person, I wouldn’t mind being called Grace all the time. It would remind me of MY past and to remember to always depend on God’s strength and goodness in all areas of my life.
All I know is just what I read in the newspaper. – Will Rogers
A few months ago, a new platform for sharing information on twitter and facebook came out in the form of
Almost over night it seemed like everyone had their own newspaper. I looked at a couple of them but wasn’t terribly impressed.
But then my friend Ron Hudson wrote a blog called 50 Social Media Phenoms. This list includes some of the usual, big name, suspects but it also includes people like…me!
People that Ron has actually developed relationships with and considers friends appear on this list. I was completely humbled to be included with such an amazing group of people, many of whom I’ve also developed friendships with via various social media avenues.
But then, Mr. Hudson took his list one step further and created a called The SocialMediaPhenoms Daily.
This, I read.
Not only did Ron collect a nice list of knowledgeable folks, he combined them into a really great resource. There hasn’t been an issue yet that I have not clicked in to at least two of the articles it contains which is about my average for a print newspaper like The Tulsa World.
The information I find in Ron’s paper, however, is more up to the minute and useful than any I would find in a print newspaper.
I encourage you to give The SocialMediaPhenoms Daily a look. There’s a lot of terrific information to be had and you don’t even have to look hard to find it!
My future daughter-in-love, Scarlette, asked me the other day what David and I do for Valentines Day. I told her that we really don’t do a whole lot.
David and I really love spending time with each other and, because he’s gone so much, we cherish the time we have together always not just on Valentines Day.
But there is something that we do that I shared with her. Â We go to the card store. We peruse the cards, pick out just the right one and hand it to the other to read and enjoy. Then, we put them back in the rack and leave.
If we didn’t do this, I might have never gotten even one card from David but this way, I have gotten the VERY best valentines and, even better, they were free!
I shared this with my mom a couple of years ago and was surprised to learn that my grandma had done this with a close friend of hers. That made our little tradition seem even that much more special. And to think I just came by it genetically or something!
I’m sure that the card store doesn’t appreciate our little tradition but I love it and it makes my heart the happiest!
I learned last night that my friend Whitney had passed away. Her husband had told me that she was in the ICU at Baptist Hospital a few weeks ago and we’ve been praying since.
Whitney was another wonderful twitter friend that had turned into an IRL friendship. She was so sweet and I’m happy I had a chance to know her, even for a short time.
I am a strong believer. I do believe that I will see Whitney again in Eternity.
I just finished the book Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo. His son, Colton, spent some time in Jesus’ lap and returned to tell his family and  friends about his experiences. If we are to believe Colton’s report, and I do, Jesus was the first person that Whitney saw and that comforts me.
This incredible sadness I feel comes when I think about her husband, Stephen, and their little boys and the loss they will bear. Â They remain in my prayers for the peace and comfort that only Jesus can bring.
It’s sad to think of a life cut short at the mere age of 34. But the Bible says that we are not promised tomorrow.
Be sure to tell those you love that you love them. Cherish them. Now and every day.