A new kind of love

We’ve been waiting for so long and after a very long day of labor, our first grandchild, Aniston Lee, was born at 8:59 p.m on Monday night.  She weighed in at 5 lbs and 15 oz and measured 20 inches long.

She is long and skinny like her daddy was when he was born.

The first photo I saw was so completely precious to me and I couldn’t quit looking at it.

And there I was: falling in love with a photo of my child falling in love with his child.

Amazing. I really have no words.

People have told me that being a grandparent is one of the most awesome things you get a chance to do. And I have so looked forward to this part of my life. But I never, ever knew about the incredible range of emotions you feel when you’re on the brink of becoming Glammie and then when you finally hold that sweet baby in your arms for the first time.

It’s nothing short of incredible.

Watching Nikki with her is awesome. It’s like she was born to be Aniston’s mommy. I knew she’d be a good mom and I wasn’t wrong.

Geoff is just so tender with her. Delighted is the only word I can use to describe the look on his face at times.

It turns my heart inside out to watch him be her daddy.

I love this new kind of love we are all experiencing. Even if I did cry for another four hours on the drive back to Little Rock. 🙂

Cry me a river

Oh. My. What is wrong with me?

I wasn’t a big Whitney Houston fan. And yet I cry for her loss.

I wasn’t a Michael Jackson fan, either, really. But I cried when he passed, too.

I think it’s because they are our age. And those two were so incredibly talented.

I cried all the way home from Arkansas yesterday.


Because I just know that my mom and dad would love the heck out of knowing Geoff’s little daughter, Aniston.

I think about Nikki suffering to give birth. And I cry.

I think about Geoff feeling bad because Nikki is in pain. And I cry.

I miss Leo. And I cry.


I’ll be okay. I learned to wear waterproof mascara from Miss America.

And today? If my eyes are green? It’s because Mom and Dad are there for Aniston’s birth like they were there for Brandon and Vanessa’s wedding.

Bathroom communique’

Yesterday, I nearly fell in the toilet when I tried to use the bathroom. This hasn’t really been an issue for many years but has been since we moved into this apartment.

So I left this note for David.

I just found this return note:

To which I have replied:

I’m headed to Oklahoma today before he’ll get a chance to see this one. I’ll be interested to see the reply. 😉

Getting ready to run

When I was down in Texas last week, my best friend’s husband said, “Let’s run a marathon”. Without hesitation, I replied, “okay”.

I haven’t run with any regularity since the late 1980’s when we lived in Chicago. I was a member of the Chicago Area Runners and I ran all the time. I loved it, especially the 10K distance.

I’ve never run a marathon (my longest was a half-marathon) but it’s on my bucket list.

I ordered the book that Jason is using called 4 Months to a 4 Hour Marathon and it was waiting for me when I got back to Arkansas.

I remembered when I had been running before, I used Jeff Galloway’s program and I ordered his book, too.

I am way too heavy to run a marathon any time soon. The Little Rock Marathon runs right past our house here and it’s the first weekend in March so that’s the target. For next year.

This morning, I joined the Little Rock Roadrunners Club. They have a meeting right around the corner next week which I plan to attend.

One more important thing I need is a great pair of shoes. A pair of shoes for an old, fat woman. LOL! Once I get my club membership packet (which includes a discount card) I’ll be going to a local running store and having them fit me with shoes.

Just like when I wanted to do kettlebell swings and got professional training, I’m smart enough to know that shoes make ALL the difference in the world.

I’ll never be fast but, with a great pair of shoes, I can run forever.

So, getting ready to run. I’m excited. It’s quite the challenge.

And now that I’ve put it out there for everyone to see, I have to do it. 😉

If the crown fits

Back when Nikki was first pregnant and deciding how to decorate the baby’s nursery, we sat for a very long time in a pricey baby boutique looking at fabric.

As we sat there, I looked around and saw a cute wall hanging that said, “If the crown fits”. It was in the wrong colors to hang in Aniston’s room and was probably terribly expensive but I thought, “I can make one of those myself!”

I created the artwork.

Then I looked for a place to put it on canvas so it would look like it had been painted. I found canvasdiscount.com. The prices were super reasonable and I hoped that the finished product would look great. It did!

I was a little freaked out when it came unassembled from the frame which I also had to put together. But I freaked myself out over nothing. I waited for David to come home and put the frame together and watched him. I’ve since ordered another canvas and I did the frame myself. It wasn’t that hard!

I then used a staple gun to staple the canvas to the frame.

I ordered a 1.5″ frame so I could put ribbon around the edges.

Then I wandered around Hobby Lobby to see what I could use to hang the picture. It is 19″ x 19″. I found a drapery tie that measured 22″ and it was perfect!

Over the course of time, Nikki threw in some more colors other than the leopard, brown and cream so in my wandering, I noticed some tie backs that matched the trim for the bedding and I got that, too, to tie it all together.

And here is the finished product on Aniston’s wall.

I was so happy with the way it turned out and the best part is that Nikki loves it!

It looks great and it was only a fraction of the cost of the one in the baby boutique. I love that I could make this for Aniston. 🙂

Tuesdays with Dorie – White Loaves

I have been all over the southwest (or so it seems) since I joined the Tuesdays With Dorie baking group and got the book we will be using, Baking with Julia.

Our first assignment was White Loaves. I’m pretty good at baking bread and I love to do it so I figured I’d swoop in at the last minute, bake my bread and make my post. 🙂

So, bringing up the rear…

The dough is a lot. I had to keep pushing it down while it mixed to make sure the flour was all incorporated. The butter went into the dough really easily, leaving me with a beautifully smooth lump of dough.

I am a little limited here in Arkansas in the mixing/baking/utensil department so I raised the dough in my soup pot. LOL!

It got huge!

Then I patted it out and rolled it according to the instructions for the second rising.

Then I baked it for 35 minutes and got two of the most beautiful loaves of bread!

Like my makeshift “rack”? hee hee

Now I need to go out and buy a serrated knife to cut the bread with! 🙂

If you’d like to bake these gorgeous loaves for yourself, you can find the recipe at this link.

Happy baking! And eating. Oooh and breathing. It smells divine! 🙂

Glammie Boot Camp

I spent this last week in Texas at, what we dubbed, Glammie Boot Camp. My best friend Denise and her husband both had to go to meetings out of state on the same week and I went to help them watch their four month old twins “Lauri” and “Laurence”.

You know that I’m going to be Glammie very soon (February 13!) to little Aniston Lee. But it’s been many, many years since I’ve hung out with and taken care of a baby. I was up for the challenge.

The babies are so sweet and snuggly and I enjoyed every last minute I got to play with and take care of them.

My first confusion came in the area of bottles. They don’t make bottles like they did when I had babies.  I mostly breastfed anyway so I looked at this multi-pieced contraption with much confusion. I tried this way, then that way. Finally, doh!, I looked at a used bottle that hadn’t been disassembled and was able to figure out how to put the bottle together.

I was down on the floor with the babies and playing with them, entertaining them, coaching them to roll over which they each did for the first time!

The first night, I laid down in bed. Early. I thought I would die. I hurt everywhere. I felt like I used to feel after pageant weekend was over and I’d been on my feet in heels for days.  I slept well! I heard the babies in the night but knew the night nanny had them and went back to sleep.

Fortunately, during the days, the babies’ Grande was there and there were two of us taking care of them. I’m not sure I could have done it alone even if I were younger. 😉

I was able to check out the cool toys for Aniston.

I purchased the monkey ball yesterday. Wee hoo wheeeeeeeeee!

He’s currently in the back of my car having a high time. I’ll leave him with Nikki today.

I still need to get the Baby Einstein jumper.

“Laurence” loves that thing and spends hours in it running and spinning the tunes. “Lauri” is still such a tiny thing that she is almost swallowed up by it. She does like it, just not for as long.

I scoped out the cute clothes.

Glitter socks! I’ve already ordered these and they are on their way. I KNOW Aniston must have them. 🙂

All in all, it was a fun and special week. I love those little guys so much and feel so honored that Denise and Jason would let me take care of them.

It was hard to leave them. But I’ll be back to visit in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait! I think I’m going to bring them balloons. 🙂

I’m an Arkansas Woman Blogger!

I was hanging out in twitter the other day when I saw this:

Oh! Well, actually I DO live in Arkansas a lot of the time now so I clicked the link to check it out.

I wasn’t sure if I could join because we are only in Little Rock temporarily so I sent an email to see if I could join. Julie responded back that I was welcome and to fill out the application form at the website which I did.

I just got my notification yesterday that I have been accepted as a member of the Arkansas Women Bloggers!

Arkansas Women Bloggers

I’m excited because I don’t really know anyone there except for David and his guys.

I’ve been back and forth between Oklahoma and Arkansas with a little Texas thrown in since the project began in Little Rock last December. I feel kind of like a rolling stone. Hmmm. Does that mean I’ve got moves like Jagger?

I digress. 😉

Anyway, I’m super excited to have found this group and look forward to a meet up next month in Little Rock. I hope to meet some new friends! 🙂

I really wanted pancakes

But since we don’t eat pancakes as a rule and I had no flour or syrup in the house, I settled for eggs. Besides, when I am craving sweet things, the best thing to kill that craving with is protein.

I found a recipe at the Incredible Edible Egg website to make scrambled eggs in the microwave.

Oooh I liked that idea. A cup, a fork, no fuss, no muss. It was easy. And good!

I took two eggs and cracked them into the mug.

I added a tablespoon of water because I also don’t use milk which the recipe called for. I think you could leave this out altogether because I never make scrambled eggs with any additions when I make them on the stovetop. I think it just adds to the fluffiness of the end product.

I whipped it all together with a fork.

Then I put it in the microwave for 45 seconds.

Took it out, stirred, and back into the microwave for another 45 seconds.

Voila! Puffy, scrambled eggs. Top with ground pepper and call it breakfast. I’ll be making this again for sure. 🙂

Up hill both way with no boots

Our daughter-in-love has been experiencing high blood pressure at the end of her pregnancy. The result is that she needs to be on bedrest.

This happened to me when I was pregnant with Brandon.

She tells me she’s bored.

Bedrest IS boring, no doubt. But when I did it, not only was there no internet but we were stationed in Cuba on the Guanantanamo Bay (Gitmo) Navy base and there was only one Armed Forces TV channel.

I have told her how much easier it will be for her with all of the satellite channels on TV, text messages, facebook and Pinterest.

It gave me a giggle this morning when I thought about how my telling her that my bedrest experience was like being held in a terrorist holding facility was the equivalent of my grandparents telling us how they had to walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways, with no boots.

hee hee 🙂