The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence

The Pursuit of Social Business ExcellenceThe Pursuit of Social Business Excellence by Vala Afshar

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great book about how Enterasys set out to and is becoming a social business. “Social collaboration is a mindset that leverages culture, people, process and technology to unlock the full potential of an organization.” Using the tools of modern technology, their own ISAAC, and social media tools like twitter and Facebook, Enterasys has been able to cut costs, improve response times, and create a corporate culture that would be great to work within. Their TLC: Think Like a Customer mindset, allows them to continually improve their business.

I find Enterasys’s use of gamification to increase employee success inspired. Also, I love how they encourage peer reviews and a more horizontal organization where everyone has input because “none of us are as smart as all of us”. Love!

Truly an interesting inside look at a company who delights in serving their customers to the best of their ability and is always collaborating within to find out even better ways to delight the customer.

If you are not a social business yet, this book will help you to see how Enterasys is doing it and give you suggestions about how your can do it, too.

View all my reviews

Secret for calmness while moving


Yesterday, we had to stop by Wal-Mart and pick up box tape. We’re moving again. I know. Wheels on our feet.

Anyway, as we were walking to the front of the store, David asked if we needed anything else. I made a quick turn around and headed the other direction.

Me: “Yes, candy.”

David: “Candy?”

Me: “Yes, candy. It keeps everyone calm.”

So we picked up some gumdrops and some caramel creams.


I don’t know why it is when you start packing things up that tempers flare and people get snippy. At  least that’s how it happens in this house. And all of the other ones we’ve moved out of. 😉  It’s really counterproductive and when I discovered the secret of applying candy to the moving/packing situation a couple of moves ago, I was amazed at the results.

Voices start to raise, “Oh get some candy”. Candy is eaten. Peace resumes. It works. Really.

I know the lady at the Walmart though I was joking around with her and she was laughing as we left. But I know it works. I just hope we don’t run out! 🙂

So how about you? Do you have a fabu secret to keep the peace during a move?


A little over a month ago, I saw a tweet from @ValaAfshar saying that his company, Enterasys was going to be hiring a senior social media strategist.


And? So? Big deal. A lot of companies are realizing that they need to get into the social media game and are doing the same.

Except there was a difference with this position. Enterasys planned to do their recruiting through social media, using each candidate’s social CV. Interesting!

At that point, I wasn’t sure what Enterasys did. Vala and I have been following each other on twitter for a while now. I remember connecting with him for the first time about the NBA Draft. Vala was going to the Draft as a guest of the Celtics. Color me green and not because that’s the Celtic’s color!

When I saw him eating cheeseburgers on the Patriot’s team plane, I remained a little green. Cheeseburgers are my favorite food! Oh, and I love football. 🙂

So, when I saw Vala’s tweet about the job with his company, it caught my eye. When I saw how the process would be conducted, I was even more intrigued and knew I wanted to be part of this first (that I know of) social media job hiring process.

I’ve really been trying to find my place since I gave up directing the pageant. Trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. 🙂  I know I want to work in Social Media. I feel like I was born just waiting for social media to happen. I’ve been approached by some really cool people with some really great opportunities but nothing has felt just right. Yet.

So I talked to David about this possibility. Since he is mostly coming and going and just needs to be by an airport, moving to the Boston area would work just fine. Added bonus, one of my best friends, Debbie, lives right in North Andover about 10 minutes away from Enterasys. Cherry on top.

I decided to go for it!

My first concern was that, by choice, I have no klout score and  a klout score of 60 is required. As you know if you read this blog (or listen to me much) I deleted my klout profile a couple of algorithms ago because it seemed to me that klout was going to try and turn me into a mean girl and penalize me for talking to folks they deemed “less influential” than I. Well, I am gifted by my relationships with EVERYONE I interact with. Liz Strauss, one of my connections on twitter, wrote a great blog post that describes pretty much the same thought process I had when I was considering deleting my klout profile. But,simply said, I’m no one’s mean girl.

I considered reactivating my klout profile but I quickly discarded that idea. It didn’t feel right to me to change who I was and what I believe in for a job. I mean, hopefully I’m going to be at this job for a while and they will see the real me so why fake it?

You know how I am about being R.E.A.L! 🙂

I commented on the blog that I didn’t have a klout score but Vala told me it was okay, I have clout and that would be considered.

I do have provable clout. The coolest example of that was my trip to Washington D.C. as a superfan guest of Eight O’Clock Coffee. The two story suite I was given by Doubletree is my second favorite.

Eight O'Clock Coffee Superfans

Kred score. Until around a month before I heard about the Enterasys job, I think I had been to Kred once. Just to check it out when people were talking about it as a klout replacement. I sort of dismissed it because that’s exactly what it looked like to me, More of the klout same. But towards the end of January, Kred started awarding badges to their top 1% Kredsters. I went to look and see what the fuss was all about and my score was pretty high. Then I wondered why I didn’t get a badge. And then I did. 😉


A candidate’s Kred score must be 725 with an outreach of 8 in order to qualify for this position. Mine was 845 with an outreach of nine. I just checked, though, and my score is now 859. So, not sure if Kred will ultimately ever be important to me other than for this purpose but it was kind of cool to see it rise 15 points in a month. Of course that got me wondering what it takes to move the outreach score up but I’m just not going to get all caught up in that. 😉

1,000 twitter followers was required. I had more than that and in the past month I’ve gained a lot more. Some of them, I know, are related to the #SocialCV but I do hope they’ll stick around even if they don’t pick me for the position. I like them!

Next on the list:

Consideration will be made to those applicants who have published works

regarding social media, peer influence, digital marketing, and related thought leadership.

Well alrighty then! I finished my first book Pageant Savvy, Social media for the savvy pageant gal in February. They were delivered into my hot little hand on February 19th, the day after this recruitment period started. Talk about your good timing! Not only is my little book pretty (so pretty!), it adds to my #SocialCV and my qualifications for this job.


An IT background would be preferred, and I don’t have that, but it’s not required. Working alongside David in the telecommunications field for all of these years, I do have more of an understanding of IT than I otherwise might have. [Insert paragraph break here. WordPress won’t do it. ;-)]

And there it is. The last day of the recruitment process was yesterday and it looks like there are some great candidates. I’m excited to be one of them.

In the past month, I’ve not only learned a lot about Enterasys but I’ve learned more about social media and about myself. I wish all of the candidates the best and wish Enterasys the best in choosing the right candidate for the position. While I hope I’m the one, if I’m not, the world is my oyster and the social media realm is large and growing. How exciting! 🙂

What inspires me

Recently, I’ve been working with my youngest son, Geoff, on helping him set up his coaching business website.

GRC LOGO Coaching

Geoff is a former baseball player who was drafted by the Marlins out of high school and then played college ball at Florida Gulf Coast University. Geoff is also hearing impaired.

Both of our boys were born with a bi-lateral, sensorineural hearing loss. For Geoff, school was always a struggle. I helped him a lot but even I didn’t know the extent of his inability to read. Brandon had picked up reading like a pro and, while I knew it was difficult for Geoff, I didn’t know just how difficult it was.

Geoff -third grade

I love to read and I’m a fast reader. I sometimes read a book a day. I remember one time when I was reading a funny book, I laughed out loud and Geoff asked me what was so funny. I told him it was a funny book. He replied, “I can’t read fast enough to know if a book is funny.” It broke my heart.

Because he was so good at baseball, Geoff made it to college. His grades in high school were good, too. The Marlins drafted him to follow, requesting that he attend Seminole State College in Oklahoma. We were thrilled as we had planned to move to Oklahoma and this gave us an option to watch his college baseball games.

New Bern River Rats

Geoff always had difficulty with testing so we lined him up with the IEP (individualized education plans) folks at the college. Little did I know that the reason he tested poorly was because he read so poorly.

Geoff learned how to read as an 18 year old college freshman. I was so excited when he told me he wanted to read something “for fun”. I remembered that when I had read The Firm by John Grisham it was a fast, easy read so I suggested it to him. I told him not to be afraid of the small words, the story was good. He loved it and became a big John Grisham fan. He also enjoys reading James Patterson and Stuart Woods. To be able to say that this son has favorite authors and enjoys reading gets me all choked up.

But this is not all that Geoff reads. He reads EVERYTHING. Anything that interests him, he grabs a book and reads and absorbs it. It’s truly inspiring for me to watch him as an adult having overcome all of the things that could have held him back if he didn’t have the determination to succeed.


Geoff has now started a coaching business. Personal, athletic and individual mind strength coaching and I can’t imagine anyone who would be better in this role. Geoff is smart, motivated and he understands what big obstacles are and knows they can be overcome.

So thank you, Geoff, for inspiring me. I’m proud to be your mom. 🙂

Carpe-ing the java DC style

So, now that things have slowed down a bit, I really need to tell you about my amazing trip to Washington, DC as the guest of Eight O’Clock Coffee.


Back in the summer when David was doing the project in Amarillo, I got a direct message on twitter from the Eight asking for my email address. I gave it to them and then wondered what they could want. I speculated while talking to David but really had absolutely no idea.

I’ve been drinking Eight O’Clock Coffee since I was 15. I remember going to the A&P grocery store when I was little and they had a bright red package and a grinding machine. I have loved the smell of fresh ground coffee my whole life as far as I can remember. 🙂 I was eagerly waiting to hear what Eight O’Clock Coffee wanted to talk to me about that took more than 140 characters.

Then came the email. They had selected me as a Super Fan and wanted to find out what date would work for me to come to DC for a visit to see their coffee operation.

OMG! I was beyond excited!

“I wonder if we’ll get to cup coffee?”, I asked David.

Several years ago, I was marketing director at a sensory lab and that was where I learned about cupping coffee. We analyzed all types of foods, beverages and personal care products but not coffee because that’s a whole different ball game.

So I gave Jaime my information and waited to find out when I was going and what we would do. When I got my itinerary, there it was, “Plant Tour/Cupping Session”. I was SO excited!


When I arrived in DC, they picked me up at the airport in a limo.


They drove me to the Embassy Row Hotel where I was given a goodie bag full of fun stuff and my room. We all met in the lobby for dinner.


I met my sister super fans, Holly and her husband Bill, Donna and her husband, Rudy, and Ronda. Also, I met Jaime and Lori from the S3 Agency who made sure we were where we were supposed to be.

Eight O'Clock Coffee Superfans

The first night, we went to dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steak House. YUMMMMY! The only bad thing is that Ruth’s Chris doesn’t serve Eight O’Clock Coffee and I think the waiter was a little intimidated by us coffee achievers when we ordered coffee after dinner.

I was lucky to be seated across the table from Glenn for dinner. Not that everyone wasn’t fabulous. They were. But Glenn had been in the coffee business since he was 18 years old, working himself into his current position where he buys the beans, cups the coffee and makes incredible new flavors like the Chocolate Mint they rolled out around Christmas time and we were treated to the following day.

I transformed, groupie-style, into a Glenn monopolizer and I don’t think anyone else got a chance to talk to him at dinner.

The following morning we had breakfast at the hotel with Alisa, Director of Marketing. She basically held a focus group with us on things that could be done differently or better. I heard a lot of good ideas around that table!


We got fabulous red fleece jackets!

IMG_0867Then it was off to Maryland and the coffee roasting facility.


We were welcomed at the door. And again at lunch time.


We were then taken on a tour of the roasting facility. We had to remove all of our jewelry except for our wedding rings so that nothing would fall into the coffee.


Then we got another gorgeous outfit: white coats, goggles and a hairnet! 🙂


We got to see all phases of the coffee operation including the flavoring which smelled AMAZING. It was Hazelnut!

Then, finally, the moment I had been waiting for. We went to the cupping room and they taught us how to cup coffee. In the end, it really wasn’t too different than sensory testing of foods/beverages that I had already experienced. I was pretty good with a spit cup, having had previous experience. 😉


After that we went back to DC and dinner at the Old Ebbitt Grill which was delicious! I can highly recommend the Peanut Butter Pie. 😉


Then back to our hotel to sleep and get ready for an early trip back to the airport.


And there you have it. My awesome Eight O’Clock Coffee trip to DC. It was so amazing, I can hardly believe it really happened. What I learned on my trip was that the people who make Eight O’Clock Coffee are as awesome as the coffee that they produce. As excited as we all were to be there, they were equally excited to have us there. It was so cool.

I tweet about Eight O’Clock Coffee and I’m so excited when I see my friends trying it and enjoying it like I do. Not because of a trip to DC but because the coffee is truly wonderful and it makes me happy to be the bearer of such great coffee information.


Thank you again, Eight O’Clock Coffee. I had the most incredible time and I will never forget your hospitality!

PS – At Christmas time, I got a box from the UPS man. What could it be?


Coffee!!! I thought, “Oh they love me! It’s my favorite French Roast!” 🙂


And then I wrote a book

I was so excited when I woke up yesterday because I knew that the UPS man would be delivering my  books. And I waited.

Doesn’t UPS deliver early here?

We have only gotten something from UPS once in the month we’ve been here so I wasn’t sure but I seem to remember it being early. And I waited.

Around 5:00 it wasn’t early anymore. I checked the email to see if my package was still on the truck and I found this:


What? When? I was here ALL day!

I called UPS while also getting connected with them on the chat. Both people arranged that I’d be able to pick my package up and I would receive a phone call within the hour letting me know it was okay. That didn’t happen. But I went down to UPS anyway. It’s 2 blocks away. 🙂

I got my package!


It’s SO pretty! 🙂


I got kind of choked up over the whole thing. David said, “Are you okay over there?” Oh, yes. Just trying to get a grip. I’ve never written a book before. 😉

I started writing this book back in the summer when we lived in Amarillo. I was nearly finished when my computer melted down. The great guys at Westgate Computers were able to save all of my data, thank goodness!

But then I was kind of stuck. I didn’t have any motivation to finish the book even though my annoying loving friends kept bothering asking me about it.

After we moved here last month, I decided I really should finish the book. One of my big goals as an adult has been to finish what I started and this was kinda of big.

I made up my mind to do it and gave myself a deadline of two weeks out. I knew I was close to being finished. When I finally put my mind to it, it was sort of embarrassing how quickly I finished it. Try two days not two weeks!

Then it was such a nerve wracking experience getting the ISBN number and placing the order for the book itself. Both websites are loaded with DANGER DANGER Warnings.

If you make a mistake this will cost you a whole lot more of your hard earned dollars!


Ha ha. Not really. But that’s how it looked to me. 🙂

I finally got that business all taken care of and I waited. Until yesterday when it was finally there at the UPS counter for me to pick up.

So…I love it. Did I mention how pretty it is? 🙂

I have lots of people to thank. My beautiful and wonderful friends Chickee and Suzy. If not for you two, I might not have finished. Thank you for your loving support and encouragement. Suzy, thank you SO much for the amazing foreword you wrote. My first thought upon reading it was “I’m not worthy,  I’m not worthy”.


Many thanks to Lyndzee and Sherri for the cover photo. I told them what I wanted and just liked they grabbed the image out of my head and put it on the paper, there it was! I love it so much. 🙂

Thanks to Bryan from b|creative tulsa for my fabu headshot. It’s on the outside AND the inside of the book. 🙂

Without Scott Townsend teaching me how to tweet, I sincerely doubt this book would have ever been written. Twitter has opened so many doors to me it’s really hard to believe. Thank you, Scott!

And of course, last but not least, David. He’s really a good guy, you know? I’m sort of a handful and I know I’m noisy but he always believes in me and I appreciate his love and encouragement so much.

The website for the book is and I’m super excited to begin adding photos of savvy pageant gals to it. Stop by if you’d like a book. It’s really pretty. 😉


How not to sell something

I always say that I’m not a sales person but, let’s face it, everyone is selling something. More often than not, it’s myself that I’m selling. While I don’t consider myself a sales person, I think I can spot a good one pretty easily.


My dad was in sales my whole life. When I decided to start a business in the late 90s selling Pampered Chef, I asked him for advice. He told me selling is all about helping people. You listen to them, find out what they need and then see how you can, in your realm,help them solve their problem.

Great advice from dear old dad!

David has been working on a business plan for a couple of months now. He’s now to the point where he is working on the financials. Last night, he sent out an email for a quote on some part of his plan. It’s a quote for a LARGE amount of materials.

The phone has been ringing off the hook all morning with people responding to his email and asking for clarification and more information.


The last two calls went something like this.

A guy calls from a company in Michigan. He cannot believe that David needs a quote for this large amount of materials. David explains why he needs what he’s asking for and the guy laughs. Yes, he laughs! And says, “What are you building? A city?” David repeats again what he needs and what he needs it for and the guy laughs again. The conversation goes on in this vein and David repeats himself several more times while the incredulous “sales person” on the other end of the line continues to laugh in disbelief.

Then the phone rang and a lady was on the other end. I didn’t catch where she was from but she had a nice, southern accent. She asked for clarification, she listened  asked more questions and told David how if she did things in this certain way, she’d be able to get him better pricing. She was friendly, and helpful and concerned with him getting the best purchase opportunity possible.

After he hung up the phone. I told him, “You are doing business with her and not that last guy. She truly wants to help you.”

In listening to the two calls, I was able to pick out the better salesperson. The one who listened, found out exactly what David needs, and tried to help him. Just like dad said.



Since the first time we visited the 18 Wheeler Diner, I’ve been fiending a piece of their pie.

Pie case 18 Wheeler Diner

Look at that BIG pie!

We hadn’t moved to Sallisaw when we first saw this pie case. And when we found a place to move, it turned out to be less than a mile away from the pie case.

I told David that we could walk to the diner, have pie, and walk home and it would sort of negate the effect of eating the pie. But we decided that we would only eat pie if someone came to visit us.

So I told everyone. On twitter, on facebook, in real life. Come visit and we’ll eat pie!

And we hadn’t had any pie at the 18 Wheeler Diner until yesterday.

I got a surprise message on facebook from my friend Laura. “We’re coming through Sallisaw, can I buy you a slice of pie?”

Woo hoo! We were finally going to have pie!

So, like we said we’d do, we walked over to the diner to meet Laura and her husband, Scott.

Then it was a BIG decision, because well, it’s BIG pie!

I ended up with Strawberry Cream.

Strawberry Cream Pie

David got Chocolate.

Chocolate Pie

Laura got Peanut Butter Chocolate.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

And Scott got Fried Cherry Pie, something I wasn’t even aware they had since I couldn’t get away from the visual of the pie case. 🙂

Fried Cherry Pie

The pie was delicious! The company was fabu!

So who’s next? Who’s coming for pie?

Many thanks to Laura and Scott for treating us to pie. xoxoxo


Blended yumminess

A couple of months ago when we were really super busy, I realized we weren’t eating enough veggies. I remembered having heard about a blended salad back a few years ago. I thought it seemed like a good idea because it would be faster to ingest than eating it off a fork.

Blended Salad

But we were so busy, there wasn’t time to find out!

Now that we’re not so busy, I’ve started making them and I have to say I LOVE the blended salad! I have a little trouble with salad dressing and I don’t eat a lot of it. While it tastes good, it doesn’t make me feel good.

The benefit I wasn’t expecting was being able to eat a salad, without dressing and really love it.

So, the first time I made it, I started with tomatoes. The mixture with the tomatoes just didn’t hold together or something. It was weird. Since that first time, I’ve been starting with tomato juice which makes the end result better.

Tomato juice and cukesThen I add cucumber and blend.

P1050402Add a head of romaine and some celery.


And some apple cider vinegar. I even add an avocado but don’t tell David. Blend it all together and it is delish!

For some reason, it’s easier for me to eat than a huge salad with the same amount of veggies in it. Try it and see if you don’t like it! 🙂

National Girl Scout Cookie Day!

Today is National Girl Scout Cookie Day! I love Girl Scout Cookies and I know you do, too.

I was a Girl Scout back in the day. But I wasn’t a real Girl Scout. I was a troop hopper and was known for having the shortest Girl Scout uniform in school. But today’s Girl Scouts are quite an impressive group.

Back in 2009 when I was kicking off (now defunct) for KJRH, I covered the end of year awards program for the Bartlesville Girl Scouts. I was SO impressed with how Girl Scouting had changed since I was young.

Girl Scouts today are taught about financial responsibility and managing money. That is what the cookie sales are really all about even though I’m fairly sure the Samoa was made just for me. 😉

This year, the Girl Scouts have made it easy for you to find their cookies if they don’t find you.  They have a cookie finder app for iPhone!

This app is worth it just for the cute video at the beginning. It got me all choked up. And please tell me that the skills these girls are talking about are not important to the girls of today. Even the girls of yesterday.

So download the app, locate yourself some cookies and celebrate National Girl Scout Cookie Day with me.

These will go into the freezer.

Have you ever eaten them frozen? 🙂