Say what? How do you even pronounce Rockansas? Rock-An-Saw. This is what my broker calls Arkansas because it’s just so rocky here. One of my colleagues said when he was little, he would have to pick up rocks as punishment. When I put up a sign on a listing, I often have trouble getting it in the ground because of the rock. David’s contractors at NATCO struggle to bury fiber because of the rocks.
I tell you all of this for background. Back during my first couple of weeks as a REALTOR, I got a call from a man. He was so upset because a listing that was just perfect for him got away. Hot market, you know?

So I asked him if I could help him find something similar. He proceeded to give me a wish list: I want acreage, bluffs, I want to be close to the Buffalo River, I want a cave, waterfall, and rocks. Rocks, lol. I replied that rocks were really easy to come by in Arkansas and laughed. There was dead silence on the other end of the line. I’m not sure where this man was from, only that he had a heavy southern accent and didn’t find the fact, that rocks are really easy to come by in Arkansas funny. Oops.

It IS funny to me, though. Now, every time I’m walking around a piece of land here, either previewing it or showing it to a client, and I see rocks, I can’t help but think about the conversation I had with that man because it IS funny. There are just so many rocks here.

We are getting ready to close on our new place in Lead Hill tomorrow. After we made our offer on it, we took a side by side and drove around the 53 acres. I was absolutely thrilled to find beautiful rock shelves in the back acreage and I know I’ll be spending some quality time on my portion of Rockansas.