Category Archives: family


Donuts are just one of those foods. You know. They’re not good for you but they taste SO good. Especially with chocolate milk. Also not good for you.

We decided to take the Glambaby for a donut this a.m. to a place call OK Country Donuts. They make donuts into shapes and Nikki had gotten some baseball donuts from them for Geoff for his birthday.

When we got there, the fun donuts were on the bottom shelf of the case, just at the Glambaby’s level. They had pigs and snakes. Well, how do you decide between them? Both so fun?


You don’t.

You get them both. And enjoy them both.


We love donuts!

What food does it for you? 🙂

I’m So Glad I Met…

In 2006, I got an email from a 14 year old who wanted to enter the pageant I was directing. She was very persistent and we had many emails between us before she finally entered in 2008.

Miss Teen Northern Oklahoma

She won the teen title in the regional pageant that we produced that year and went on to compete for the Miss Oklahoma Teen International title. She did not win but was the first runner up. In 2009 she came back and won the state title.

Miss Teen Oklahoma International 2009

We grew close over the year of her reign and have continued to grow even closer. I call her my mini-me. We look nothing alike but inside we are just like the same person. It’s so much fun to hang out with someone who is so much like you that you never have to explain anything and the fun can just roll.

Human Emoji

In this past year, I was the Glamazon of Honor (I simply cannot be matronly ;-)) at her wedding. I threw her a bridal shower and then a baby shower for the little Sayler who will call me Glammie as she grows up.


I love this girl so much! She is my dearest friend and confidant. I am so glad that I met Lyndzee Vieweg Story and so thankful for the huge part she plays in my life. 🙂

Who is a person that you are glad that you met?

Making Pizza

We now get to have the glambaby with us on Fridays since she’s been going to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays in the new year.

It’s always so much fun to have her here. We’re both amazed at how long she’ll sit and color or do crafty type things. She really likes them.


Since we had such a good outing when we baked cookies the first time, I thought we’d have her help make lunch today and start learning the family pizza recipe.  I got the dough all ready so we just had to spread it out on the pizza stone. She wasn’t too keen on helping me spread the oil on the stone or sprinkle the cornmeal. But when I brought out the little pizza dough roller she was ready to play.

She did a great job helping to spread the tomato paste.


Then she gave the base a good dousing of Italian seasoning.


I’m not sure she liked the feel of the cheese. She sprinkled a little bit on but each of the two times she touched it, she inspected her hand after the cheese was out of it. Then we opened pineapple which she promptly started to eat. She put no pineapple on the pizza. I did that. Then I added sausage.

It looked and tasted great. And it was so much fun.


We’ve been holding off on buying furniture for the house since we moved in because we have some renovations we want to do first. Well, today I decided that I don’t ever want to buy furniture. It’s way too much fun to run, chase, hide, bounce balls, and generally act like we’re on the playground. Which is what we do the rest of the time she’s here. 🙂

Storytime with Miss Nha

I started picking up the glambaby on Thursdays back in August. It’s so awesome because I get to spend the whole day with her. We do all kinds of things but one of the things we’ve done since the beginning is Storytime with Miss Nha.


Since reading is one of my favorite things to do, I wanted to teach the glambaby about the library. I checked through the Tulsa Public Library’s events and that’s where I found the Thursday morning event at Nathan Hale Library.

Every week when we would get to the library, the first thing we would do if I had a book to return, is the glambaby would drop the book into the return slot. Then we’d head to the beads.

Playing with beads at the library

After that, it is time for stories! There are little carpets with the letters of the alphabet on them. The glambaby loves the D carpet.

D carpet

There are stories.

Reading stories

And rhymes.

Nursery rhymesAnd bubbles. And songs that have dances with them a lot of the time. At the end, is the all important sticker picking. 🙂


It’s great fun and the glambaby, although she was hesitant at first, eventually started coming out of her shell and really getting involved. The last time we visited, she was slapping her knee in laughter, it was so cute.

Now, in the new year, the glambaby is going to school on Thursdays so we won’t be going to Storytime with Miss Nha anymore.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Miss Nha! Aniston and I had so much fun! 🙂

Secret for calmness while moving


Yesterday, we had to stop by Wal-Mart and pick up box tape. We’re moving again. I know. Wheels on our feet.

Anyway, as we were walking to the front of the store, David asked if we needed anything else. I made a quick turn around and headed the other direction.

Me: “Yes, candy.”

David: “Candy?”

Me: “Yes, candy. It keeps everyone calm.”

So we picked up some gumdrops and some caramel creams.


I don’t know why it is when you start packing things up that tempers flare and people get snippy. At  least that’s how it happens in this house. And all of the other ones we’ve moved out of. 😉  It’s really counterproductive and when I discovered the secret of applying candy to the moving/packing situation a couple of moves ago, I was amazed at the results.

Voices start to raise, “Oh get some candy”. Candy is eaten. Peace resumes. It works. Really.

I know the lady at the Walmart though I was joking around with her and she was laughing as we left. But I know it works. I just hope we don’t run out! 🙂

So how about you? Do you have a fabu secret to keep the peace during a move?

What inspires me

Recently, I’ve been working with my youngest son, Geoff, on helping him set up his coaching business website.

GRC LOGO Coaching

Geoff is a former baseball player who was drafted by the Marlins out of high school and then played college ball at Florida Gulf Coast University. Geoff is also hearing impaired.

Both of our boys were born with a bi-lateral, sensorineural hearing loss. For Geoff, school was always a struggle. I helped him a lot but even I didn’t know the extent of his inability to read. Brandon had picked up reading like a pro and, while I knew it was difficult for Geoff, I didn’t know just how difficult it was.

Geoff -third grade

I love to read and I’m a fast reader. I sometimes read a book a day. I remember one time when I was reading a funny book, I laughed out loud and Geoff asked me what was so funny. I told him it was a funny book. He replied, “I can’t read fast enough to know if a book is funny.” It broke my heart.

Because he was so good at baseball, Geoff made it to college. His grades in high school were good, too. The Marlins drafted him to follow, requesting that he attend Seminole State College in Oklahoma. We were thrilled as we had planned to move to Oklahoma and this gave us an option to watch his college baseball games.

New Bern River Rats

Geoff always had difficulty with testing so we lined him up with the IEP (individualized education plans) folks at the college. Little did I know that the reason he tested poorly was because he read so poorly.

Geoff learned how to read as an 18 year old college freshman. I was so excited when he told me he wanted to read something “for fun”. I remembered that when I had read The Firm by John Grisham it was a fast, easy read so I suggested it to him. I told him not to be afraid of the small words, the story was good. He loved it and became a big John Grisham fan. He also enjoys reading James Patterson and Stuart Woods. To be able to say that this son has favorite authors and enjoys reading gets me all choked up.

But this is not all that Geoff reads. He reads EVERYTHING. Anything that interests him, he grabs a book and reads and absorbs it. It’s truly inspiring for me to watch him as an adult having overcome all of the things that could have held him back if he didn’t have the determination to succeed.


Geoff has now started a coaching business. Personal, athletic and individual mind strength coaching and I can’t imagine anyone who would be better in this role. Geoff is smart, motivated and he understands what big obstacles are and knows they can be overcome.

So thank you, Geoff, for inspiring me. I’m proud to be your mom. 🙂

With arms wide open

It’s so fun to watch our son be the daddy of a little girl. We have so many boys in our family, it’s kind of a foreign concept for all of us.

Geoff is really good about sending us photos every day of Aniston since we can’t visit with her as often as we’d like.

Yesterday, he sent this photo:

with the comment, “Sleeping, arms wide open.”


Me: She’s going to have to get a double wide king sized bed to sleep that way when she’s married.

Geoff: Yeah – getting married is going to be her biggest problem.

Me: LOL!

So protective, so cute. Poor Glambaby. 😉

Worlds oldest bridesmaid

August 1, 2005 was a day like any other.

Or so I thought.

That was the day that I “met” Lyndzee Vieweg when her registration form sailed into my email box stating that she would like to represent Oklahoma as Miss Teen Oklahoma.

The first time she tried, she won the Northern regional pageant we produced and was Miss Teen Northern Oklahoma International. But it wasn’t yet her time to wear the state crown.

In 2009, she finally captured the Miss Teen Oklahoma International title but she captured my heart straight away. Way back before I ever met her in real life.

I call Lyndzee my mini-me. No, we look nothing alike but I don’t know if I could have a child more like me even if my blood ran in her veins. We’ve actually had people ask, “Are you sure you two aren’t related?”

I adore her. We have so much fun together. We laugh and our wacky brains run on the very same track. We usually think of the same thing at the same time but if not, the one who doesn’t think of it is quick to get aboard the crazy train with the other.

Now, Lyndzee is grown up. The most beautiful young woman both inside and out. She’s getting married!

I’m so excited for her and her fiance’, Dustin, seems like the perfect match for her. He reminds me a lot of David. He lets her be her own unique self and just smiles and raises his eyebrow at times. 🙂

And now, I’m about to embark on the next role of my life: World’s Oldest Bridesmaid.

Yep, Lyndzee has asked me to be her Matron of Honor.

Whoa! What? Matron? Do I drive a station wagon? LOL!

I desperately try to not be matronly. I am, after all, tragically hip and incredibly cool. 😉

I’m honored beyond belief to serve in this role for Lyndzee but we did have to have a discussion about the title. We have come up with Glamazon of Honor. I think I can live with that.

When Lyndzee asked me if I would stand up for her, my first reaction was to laugh. I mean, seriously? I’m old. I asked her if she was sure she didn’t want me to sit in the pew next to her mom and she emphatically told me, no, that she wants me to be her bridesmaid.

I’m beyond honored. Sincerely. 🙂

We went shopping for wedding dresses on Saturday. Of course Lyndzee had a different idea for the belts she was shown.

And she really wasn’t a bridezilla while waiting for more dresses.

She’s too much fun for that.

But it’s clear to me that Lyndzee is going to be one gorgeous bride. (This is not the dress she will be wearing.)

I’m so excited to go on this journey with my mini-me. I’ll try not to be too sappy over the next year as we head towards their wedding date, April 13, 2013.

Life is truly interesting and you never know how someone you meet will factor into your life long term. I am completely blessed to have Lyndzee as a friend. 🙂

Baby shower!

I had so much fun preparing for Aniston’s baby shower! Nikki asked me if I could design the invitation first and then the thank you cards. Her sister and mom had decided on a pale pink and leopard theme so I went with it.

I love the way both items turned out!

I asked if there was anything I could bring and Nikki said I could bring anything. Her family knows me well enough to know that I major in sweet treats.  It was really fun to scour Pinterest and the Internet to come up with ideas for what to make.

In the end, I decided on chocolate and pink popcorn

Pink chocolate covered Oreos

Pretzel snacks

(Super easy and delicious! Place pretzels on waxed paper line baking pan, top with Hershey kisses, place in 170 degree oven for 6 minutes, push M&Ms into the tops.)

Candy skewers

Cookies that I painted and bagged with matching thank you notes attached for people to take home

and strawberry cream cheese jelly bellies.

I also labeled water bottles to go along with the theme.

Of course it was overkill but I haven’t figured out how to make “just enough”. I didn’t want anyone who was there not to get something because there wasn’t enough.

They brought a cute cake!

There were lots of presents.

Lyndzee came.

bringing the chair she re-covered for Nikki.

It was great and I really loved watching Nikki’s face when she opened the gifts I had made for Aniston.

The Chucks

and the little Rott-I-Tude outfit.

I made a wall hanging for her bedroom, too, but I need to get a photo of it when it’s hanging on the wall in her nursery for full effect. 🙂

Lyndzee brought me my Christmas present she made for me which I adore!

I’m so excited to be Glammie. 🙂

Bling my Chucks

I’m not sure whether it took knowing that I was going to be a grandma to a little girl or having a couple of successful Pinterest projects under my belt to find out I kinda like this craft thing. The two things happened about the same time.

I couldn’t be happier with the way this latest project turned out.

I was cruising Pinterest, and I stopped at Nikki’s board for Aniston Lee. I saw some embellished Chuck Taylor shoes for a little girl. I thought, “I can do that!”

I was wandering through Gordman’s trying to kill time and I found a pair of pink Chuck Taylor crib shoes.

I bought them. Then I got the rest of the pieces I needed to complete the project.

I started out by applying 5mm AB crystals to the toes.

And to the middle of the star on the side of the shoes.

Then I replaced the laces with ribbon.

I measured the ribbon against the lace but it turned out not to be long enough.

So I cut the ribbon the length of the lace and then half again. This gave me enough room to trim off the edges and make a nice big bow. I finished off by coating the ends of the ribbon with clear nail polish so they won’t fray.

Are these not the CUTEST shoes ever! I can’t wait to see Aniston wear them and to make another pair. 🙂