August 1, 2005 was a day like any other.
Or so I thought.
That was the day that I “met” Lyndzee Vieweg when her registration form sailed into my email box stating that she would like to represent Oklahoma as Miss Teen Oklahoma.
The first time she tried, she won the Northern regional pageant we produced and was Miss Teen Northern Oklahoma International. But it wasn’t yet her time to wear the state crown.

In 2009, she finally captured the Miss Teen Oklahoma International title but she captured my heart straight away. Way back before I ever met her in real life.

I call Lyndzee my mini-me. No, we look nothing alike but I don’t know if I could have a child more like me even if my blood ran in her veins. We’ve actually had people ask, “Are you sure you two aren’t related?”

I adore her. We have so much fun together. We laugh and our wacky brains run on the very same track. We usually think of the same thing at the same time but if not, the one who doesn’t think of it is quick to get aboard the crazy train with the other.
Now, Lyndzee is grown up. The most beautiful young woman both inside and out. She’s getting married!

I’m so excited for her and her fiance’, Dustin, seems like the perfect match for her. He reminds me a lot of David. He lets her be her own unique self and just smiles and raises his eyebrow at times. 🙂
And now, I’m about to embark on the next role of my life: World’s Oldest Bridesmaid.
Yep, Lyndzee has asked me to be her Matron of Honor.
Whoa! What? Matron? Do I drive a station wagon? LOL!
I desperately try to not be matronly. I am, after all, tragically hip and incredibly cool. 😉
I’m honored beyond belief to serve in this role for Lyndzee but we did have to have a discussion about the title. We have come up with Glamazon of Honor. I think I can live with that.
When Lyndzee asked me if I would stand up for her, my first reaction was to laugh. I mean, seriously? I’m old. I asked her if she was sure she didn’t want me to sit in the pew next to her mom and she emphatically told me, no, that she wants me to be her bridesmaid.
I’m beyond honored. Sincerely. 🙂
We went shopping for wedding dresses on Saturday. Of course Lyndzee had a different idea for the belts she was shown.

And she really wasn’t a bridezilla while waiting for more dresses.

She’s too much fun for that.

But it’s clear to me that Lyndzee is going to be one gorgeous bride. (This is not the dress she will be wearing.)

I’m so excited to go on this journey with my mini-me. I’ll try not to be too sappy over the next year as we head towards their wedding date, April 13, 2013.
Life is truly interesting and you never know how someone you meet will factor into your life long term. I am completely blessed to have Lyndzee as a friend. 🙂