Book Review: The Tyrant’s Daughter

The Tyrant's DaughterThe Tyrant’s Daughter by J.C. Carleson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a terrific book that I read straight through. I was interested in the subject to begin with but the book was easy to read and the story hooked me right away.

Laila is a teenager from the Middle East who is hastily taken to America when her father, whom she always thought of as a king, was killed. As she begins to start a new life, her friends at school refer to her father as a dictator. This causes her to go to the library and google what happened in her country. She learns that her father, whom was just her dad who sang, read and played with her, was considered to be a tyrant and terrible things happened in their country.

She is caught between the knowledge she has and her mother’s desire to return them to their country.

This is a fictional story based upon true events. It’s interesting insight into what could have happened during the Arab Spring. Excellent book!

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