Emily Giffin is one of my favorite authors and I loved this book like I have all of her others. Joe’s family is like American royalty. Everyone knows who they are, they are fabulously wealthy, and they live a privileged life. Cate comes from the wrong side of the tracks who makes it big as a fashion model. When Joe happens upon a photoshoot Cate is doing on the beach, he falls for her. Cate tries not to fall back. She feels like there’s no way the two of them can possibly work given that they have such different backgrounds. However, they were meant to be. I loved this book and couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend it! |
Monthly Archives: March 2022
Here I Go Again – In Pageant Central

I’m so excited to tell you that I’ve entered a pageant! I thought I was finished competing after Mrs. International in 2016 but that little bug will not go away.
So which pageant now? I’ve entered the Ms Arkansas Senior America pageant. It’s scheduled for June 2-4 in Hot Springs and is for woman aged 60 and over.
Not only am I excited to compete again but I’ve never been to Hot Springs yet in our travels around Arkansas so I’m looking forward to that as well.
The pageant honors the “age of elegance”. I’ll be competing in an interview with a panel of judges. There is an evening gown competition during which I will present my philosophy of life statement. The last portion is TALENT! I am going to dance and I so love the idea of entertaining the pageant audience. This is the first pageant I’ve done that had a talent portion.
I’m competing for the first time in a state other than Florida! Yep, every single other pageant I have ever done was held in Florida. I’m also competing for the first time with a green wardrobe. It might sound like a minor detail but I love green and it’s my favorite color. Even with this being the case, I rarely wear green and so it will be a nice change to wear my favorite color.
I’ve been busy getting everything together that I need and practicing. I’ve nearly got everything together and I will be super prepared by the first of June.
The winner of the pageant will go on to the National Senior America Pageant which will be held in Hershey, PA in September.
We’ve got our hotel rooms booked and I booked tickets for my friends and family. I’m super excited about this one and I will let you know what happens!
Meant To Be

Emily Giffin is one of my favorite authors and I loved this book like I have all of her others.
Joe’s family is like American royalty. Everyone knows who they are, they are fabulously wealthy, and they live a privileged life. Cate comes from the wrong side of the tracks who makes it big as a fashion model.
When Joe happens upon a photoshoot Cate is doing on the beach, he falls for her. Cate tries not to fall back. She feels like there’s no way the two of them can possibly work given that they have such different backgrounds.
However, they were meant to be. I loved this book and couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend it!
Beautiful Packaging, Beautiful Scent, Beautiful Skin
When I was first approached by the folks at Blue Nectar, I was a little wary. I am asked a lot by folks with skincare lines to try their products. I am told a lot how beautiful my skin is so I have never taken anyone up on their offer before.
After receiving the email, I investigated the Blue Nectar products and I was intrigued. Their ingredients are totally natural with no chemicals. I’m working more every day to move to all natural products as all those chemicals that commercial preparations contain are just not good for me.
I was asked to try the Kumkumadi Night Cream with Jasmine. I looked at the product on Amazon and noticed on the label it mentioned Jasmine and Pachouli.
I LOVE the smell of jasmine. Back when we lived in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, we would pass by a certain house on our daily walk. Jasmine was growing over the fence and I breathed as much of it as I could each time we passed by.
I do NOT love the smell of Pachouli. I often wonder how people can wear that scent as it smells like mold to me.
Given that some smells, no matter how good they are, can make me nauseated over time (I once had to pull over to the side of the road so I could wipe a new lipstick off because it was making me sick!), I was just a touch nervous at the thought of how the smell would affect me.
I received the cream. The packaging is beautiful! It came in a square blue box with a removable lid. The ingredients are listed on the side of the box. Upon opening the box, you find a beautiful gold jar of cream.
I opened the jar and it smelled SOOOOO pretty. It smelled of jasmine with no hint of pachouli smell at all. But could I made it all night with it on my face or would it bother me? It didn’t bother me! It’s a gorgeous smell that I go to sleep smelling and it hasn’t made me sick once.
I love the way the cream is absorbed by my skin making it feel moisturized but not oily. This is crazy, but I love how I can still smell the cream when I’m working out and sweating the next morning and it comes out of my pores.
This is just exactly the night cream I was looking for and I didn’t even know it. Thank you, Blue Nectar for letting me try your beautiful night cream. I love it!
75 Hard Challenge, Round 2!

This is Day 9 of my second round of the #75HardChallenge. I finished the first round last August. If you haven’t heard of it, the challenge was created by @andyfrieslla.
Why I chose to do #75Hard the first time: I had a truly awful week in real estate. 75 Hard is a mental toughness challenge and I decided at that point, I needed some mental toughness. On Day 63 of the first round, I was skewered by a client who also used to be a friend and it devastate me. No mental toughness. But what I did get was radical clarity! The challenge was worth every single minute I devoted to it.

Why I chose to do a second round: I still want mental toughness! LOL! I’m still shooting for the mental toughness aspect the challenge should bring. Additionally, I feel like following the challenge is making me a better person day by day.
Why I love 75 Hard: It’s scalable! That means ANYONE can do it. If you notice in my video, I can’t do push-ups off the floor yet. Yet! So I do them off of the rail and they are tough! But one day, they won’t be tough and I’ll be doing them off the floor. I aspire to this.
At the age of 61,I’m just getting started. There are so many things I still want to do and 75 Hard will be the foundation to those things. Have you done 75 Hard? If not, when are you starting?