In this real estate market with the low inventory and fast pace of sales, we often come into a multiple offer situation. I’ve had two in the last four days. It’s nerve racking and exciting and, if you come out on top, you feel awesome!
But when you get the offer reject page, it’s hard to remember the wise words of my mother who said, “It’s only a house. There will be another one”. Because right now, it seems like maybe there won’t be another one and I feel sad that my clients didn’t get the house they wanted.

I still feel like that’s good advice my mom gave me and I know, without a doubt, it’s saved us tons of money over the years. I am a very emotional person. In a good way, of course. I’m happy and gregarious! I’ve been called bubbly but prefer effervescent which means essentially the same thing but sounds a little more dignified. Still, you can tell exactly what I feel by looking at my face and I know that if I allowed myself to get emotionally wrapped up in a house, it would be all over.
I feel like there are a lot of people in today’s market who do just that. With the lack of inventory we’re experiencing nationwide it can be hard to believe there every will be another house. But, trust me, there will be. Even if you have to wait a bit for it.
When we first moved to Flippin, we pretty much decided that if the house actually looked like it did in the photos on, we were going to buy it. We just needed a place to land while we figured things out. We stayed in a hotel for about a week – WITH FRANKIE (our Rottidor) – while we secured the offer and early occupancy. Then we ended up staying there, in our tiny little 736 square foot house, for over a year and a half! I was starting to feel like a hoarder because we kept bringing things back from our Tulsa house that we needed and we were simply running out of room.
We looked at several homes and with each one, there were at least eight people right there with us who wanted to bid on that house. In my opinion, a multiple offer situation is a way to spend way more money than you need to on a house. And, I don’t know if you’re like me or not but if I get into a competitive situation, it takes everything in me to not beat the competition and win. That’s why I know it’s good I’ve always remembered my mom’s advice.
We finally found our forever home. It’s got the beautiful lake view that I wanted and it’s has the acreage David wanted. It has a BIGGER lake view and WAY MORE acreage than any of those other houses we looked at and I can’t help but thinking we won. We won without multiple offers, without that one home being the only one we have to buy at all costs.

So take heart. If you don’t win in a multiple offer situation, maybe it wasn’t meant to be and the home you’re supposed to have is coming along at just the right time. Remember mom’s advice, “It’s only a house. There will be another one”. Because there will be and it will probably be the best house ever!