This past weekend we drove down to Palm Desert to attend the Mrs. California International Pageant. I was super excited because I hadn’t seen my friend Eddie, the director, since my last trip to the National pageant in 2011.

We drove and drove and drove. And drove some more. It seems like it took so very long to get down there. We were in constant bumper to bumper traffic. We even pulled off to have dinner in hopes that when we got back on the highway the traffic would have lessened. But it didn’t. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the traffic in California!

We were exhausted and fell into bed as soon as we got into the room practically. The following morning when we went out to get breakfast, Eddie and the contestants were all down in the lobby and we got to say a quick hello.

The pageant was held at the Indian Wells Theater which was right across the street from the fabu Italian restaurant where we had dinner. (Look at us in the reflection. :D)

There were 21 beautiful contestants in the well run pageant. It was fun to listen to all of their platform statements as the community service platform is the basis the International Pageant system. When it was time to for the reigning queen to give up her crown, Eddie sang to her! It was so sweet that I got all choked up. I’m not sure how she was able to hold it together so well.
Finally the moment arrived when the new Mrs. California, Tiffany Calig, was crowned. I loved watching her husband place the crown on her head, another hallmark of the Mrs. International system.

Photo Courtesy Mrs. California International Pageant
We then waited for things to calm down a bit so we could thank Eddie and say goodbye. It was really great to see him, see his production and to be part of such a wonderful evening. Thank you, Eddie!

On the way home, we stopped in San Dimas (Yes! San Dimas where Bill & Ted are from!) and had breakfast with Jayna, who was Miss International 2008. I hadn’t seen her since 2009 so it had been way too long. It was wonderful to see her in person and visit and catch up. Breakfast was really great, too!
Then we traveled the rest of the way home. The highlight of the drive was seeing RAIN! I hadn’t seen rain in so long. It seems like it rains here when I’m in Tulsa and it rains in Tulsa when I’m here but we drove in the rain almost the entire drive home. It was great!